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MSci Reproducible Data Science (BIOL33031)

Unit coordinator: Danna Gifford
Twitter: @dannagifford

Original creator: Andrew Stewart
Twitter: @ajstewart_lang

Slides for the MSci Reproducible Data Science unit. Click on the 'Clone or download' button in the top right to download a zipped version of this repository.

The Course Material

Each folder contains the slides in .pdf format, R scripts, all the data, and the worksheets associated with each of the 6 workshops.

The Workshops

Workshop 1 - Reproducibility and R
Workshop 2 - The General Linear Model (Regression)
Workshop 3 - The General Linear Model (ANOVA)
Workshop 4 - Mixed Models
Workshop 5 - Data Simulation and Advanced Data Visualisation
Workshop 6 - Reproducible Computational Environments and Presentations

Before the First Workshop - Installing R and RStudio

You will probably want to bring your laptop for this course (although we will be in a PC cluster in case you don't have a laptop). Beforehand, on your laptop you should install R (the language) and RStudio (the interface that helps us interact with R) - each is available for OSX, Windows, and various flavours of Unix. You can install R from here:

And RStudio from here:

Online R Resources

Below are some helpful R resources - it would be useful to look at the first one before the workshop.

Online introductory guide to R, RStudio, and R Markdown.

This is a very clear and focused introduction to R, RStudio, and R Markdown. You probably want to read the first four chapters sooner rather than later...

R for Data Science online book - Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham

This is the online interactive version of the book of the same name. It's a great book to introduce you to data science, reproducibility, and R.

The UoM R User Group

To join the University of Manchester R User Group, subscribe to the mailing list or send an email to with no subject and the body SUBSCRIBE RUM Your Name.

University of Manchester Open Research Working Group

Sign up for the Open Science Working Group email list here.