Unit coordinator: Danna Gifford
Email: Danna.Gifford@manchester.ac.uk
Twitter: @dannagifford
Original creator: Andrew Stewart
Email: Andrew.Stewart@manchester.ac.uk
Twitter: @ajstewart_lang
Slides for the MSci Reproducible Data Science unit. Click on the 'Clone or download' button in the top right to download a zipped version of this repository.
Each folder contains the slides in .pdf format, R scripts, all the data, and the worksheets associated with each of the 6 workshops.
Workshop 1 - Reproducibility and R
Workshop 2 - The General Linear Model (Regression)
Workshop 3 - The General Linear Model (ANOVA)
Workshop 4 - Mixed Models
Workshop 5 - Data Simulation and Advanced Data Visualisation
Workshop 6 - Reproducible Computational Environments and Presentations
You will probably want to bring your laptop for this course (although we will be in a PC cluster in case you don't have a laptop). Beforehand, on your laptop you should install R (the language) and RStudio (the interface that helps us interact with R) - each is available for OSX, Windows, and various flavours of Unix. You can install R from here:
And RStudio from here:
Below are some helpful R resources - it would be useful to look at the first one before the workshop.
This is a very clear and focused introduction to R, RStudio, and R Markdown. You probably want to read the first four chapters sooner rather than later...
This is the online interactive version of the book of the same name. It's a great book to introduce you to data science, reproducibility, and R.
To join the University of Manchester R User Group, subscribe to the mailing list https://listserv.manchester.ac.uk/cgi-bin/wa?A0=RUM or send an email to LISTSERV@listserv.manchester.ac.uk with no subject and the body SUBSCRIBE RUM Your Name.
Sign up for the Open Science Working Group email list here.