Pixel Spirit tarot shaders implemented in Godot 4.
The PixelSpirit Elements Deck is a tarot deck for learning GLSL shaders. Each PixelSpirit card has a visual element and its GLSL shader code. The cards are ordered from simplest to most complex, building a library of code functions that combine like a book of spells to form an infinite visual language.
- Each file in
has atarot_draw
function. EG: 01-justice.gdshaderinc: - Godot 2D shaders are in
files - Godot 3D shaders are in
vec3 tarot_draw(vec2 uv) {
return step(0.5, uv.x) * vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
All the required SDFs and util functions are in utils.gdshaderinc which can be simply copy-pasted in other Godot projects (there are some functions form Lygia's source code so make sure to read its license)
- Pixel Spirit tarot: see https://github.com/patriciogonzalezvivo/PixelSpiritDeck/blob/master/LICENSE
- Rest of the project: MIT