This project is a bare bones backend app modeled after instagram/twitter. The purpose of the app is to show off modern programming practices such as:
- data validation (in User/Microposts models)
- testing (functional and unit tests for Users/Microposts)
- deployment via Heroku
- CI/CD using Heroku and GitHub
- user authentication via Devise
Live demo:
- Ruby on Rails 3.1.2 (it's recommended to use ruby version manager (rvm) however if you prefer not to, instead install Rails 3.12 instead of the rvm step below)
- SQLite3 v1.4 for development/testing and PostgreSQL v1.35 for production
Navigate to parent directory
git clone
cd social-media-backend-clone
rvm install 3.1.2 && rvm use 3.1.2
bundle install
bundle exec rails db:setup
bundle exec rails db:migrate
bundle exec rails server
bundle exec rails test
GitHub Actions runs tests on new commits to main branch which deploys automatically to heroku when passed
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial by Michael Hartl
- Rails Girls Auth with Devise