A basic Flask/SQLAlchemy web gui to view salt minion return data and job history
CSS provided by the fine folks at Bootstrap
Q. Why does this exist?
A. Two reasons. 1) I wanted and excuse to try out Flask and SQLAlchemy. 2) Unless you can afford the enterprise version, salt lacks a reporting interface and I need a way to provide non salt savvy folks visibility into what changes salt is making to an infrastructure.
Q. Why did you hard code the DB credentials and the pagination count?
A. I'm lazy. But, yes, I realize that's bad form and that should go on the TODO list.
Q. Why doesn't it support job submission?
A. I don't personally care about job submission via a web gui right now. Patches are welcome!!!
saltdb uses a lightly modified version of the upstream pgjasonb returner and associated postgresql db schema.
yum install postgresql95-server
su - postgres
initdb -D /var/lib/pgsql/9.5/data -U postgres
service start postgresql-9.5
chkconfig --level 345 postgresql-9.5 on
createuser -DRSP -U postgres salt
createdb -O salt salt
psql -U salt -W salt < ./scripts/pgjsonb_returner.sql
Set up the DB connection info by editing the value of app.config['SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI'] in app.py
- First put the pgjsonb2 returner somewhere salt looks for returners:
cp pgjsonb2.py /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/salt/returners/
- Update your master config to enable the pgjsonb2 returner:
master_job_cache: pgjsonb2
returner.pgjsonb2.host: ''
returner.pgjsonb2.user: 'salt'
returner.pgjsonb2.pass: 'salt'
returner.pgjsonb2.db: 'salt'
returner.pgjsonb2.port: 5432
- Restart salt-master
Using Flask development server
$ python ./app.py
Using Apache mod_wsgi
WSGIScriptAlias /saltdb "/opt/saltdb/saltdb.wsgi"
<Directory "/opt/saltdb">
Options None
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all