This is an open source MIT project that has been made to facilitate the development of spring applications.
Project Stack:
- Java 13
- Spring 2.2.0
- Maven
- H2 Database 1.4.99 - Removable
- Keycloak
- Postgres TestContainer 1.12.3
- ArchUnit 0.12.0
Is used the 3 layer architecture where there is openned and closed layers, beeing:
- Presentation Layer: resource package
- Business Layer: service, entity, domain package
- Data Layer: repository package
- Cross Cutting: any utility package, example: adapter
This project utilizes ArchUnit to integrity of the architecture. (default-api/test/java/
This version of the boilerplate needs the maven to run, and need to have one jdk that is compatible (preferably openjdk13)
mvn install
mvn tests
cd default-api
mvn spring-boot:run