An electron menubar application for monitoring a specified transit stop from the API
- AC Transit
- Asheville Redefines Transit
- Atlanta Streetcar - Beta
- Brockton Area Transit Authority
- Camarillo Area (CAT)
- Cape Cod Regional Transit Authority
- Chapel Hill Transit
- Charles River TMA - EZRide
- Charm City Circulator
- City College NYC
- City of Oxford
- City of West Hollywood
- Config Stuff
- CyRide
- DC Circulator
- DC Streetcar
- 2Downtown Connection
- Dumbarton Express
- East Carolina University
- Escalon eTrans
- Fairfax (CUE)
- Foothill Transit
- Fort Worth The T
- Glendale Beeline
- Gold Coast Transit
- Indianapolis International Airport
- Jacksonville Transportation Authority
- Los Angeles Metro
- Los Angeles Rail
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Moorpark Transit
- Nova Southeastern University
- Omnitrans
- Palos Verdes Transit
- Pensacola Beach (SRIA)
- Portland Streetcar
- Prince Georges County
- RTC RIDE, Reno
- Radford Transit
- Roosevelt Island
- Rutgers Univ. Newark College Town Shuttle
- Rutgers University
- San Francisco Muni
- Seattle Streetcar
- Simi Valley (SVT)
- Societe de transport de Laval
- Sonoma County Transit
- Thousand Oaks Transit (TOT)
- Toronto Transit Commission
- Unitrans ASUCD/City of Davis
- University of California San Francisco
- University of Maryland
- Ventura Intercity (VCTC)
- Western Kentucky University
- Winston-Salem
- York College
- Open settins
- Click "Users & Groups"
- Click "Login Items"
- Click "+"
- Select "Macbar Next Bus" and click "Add"
- Macbar Next Bus will be in your menubar every startup