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πŸ–₯ Developer Mode

Dasutein edited this page Dec 18, 2024 · 1 revision

Enable Developer Mode

Public functions that are available on the extension can be accessed through the console. You must enable developer mode on Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge then click on service worker to launch the console.


List of available public functions

Function Description
AutoRename Global variable for the extension. To access, simply type AutoRename in the console, followed by a period. You may refer to the list of objects available below:

CurrentTabName: The name of the active tab

CurrentTabId: ID of the active tab

EnableLogging: If you want to show additional logging in the console. By default this is false but can be changed

GetUserAgent: User agent for the AutoRename extension. User agent will depend on the browser but for this functionality, it will append AutoRename/version number alongside the browser user agent

Icon: Path to extension icon

Language: The current language used in the browser

LogLevel: Log level enums

SetLogLevel: Set which logging to see in the console. By default, this will be set to debug.

Version: Return the version number of the extension
Settings Load and Save extension settings

Settings.Load() will return an array containing various settings. Each have different categories and can be accessed depending on usage. For example, if you want to pull settings for X, you must type Settings.Load().Twitter. This will return an array containing the settings for X

Settings.Save() will save values. It accepts two parameters Settings.Save(<key name>, <value>)