- Escrow.com API Helper
- License: MIT license
- These files are Not officially supported by Escrow.com.
- Questions regarding this software should be directed to daniel.boorn@gmail.com.
Install the deboorn/escrow-api
$ composer require deboorn/escrow-api
$config = array(
'username' => 'exmaple@example.com',
'seller_email' => 'seller@example.com',
'password' => 'mypassword',
'partner_id' => '1234',
$api = new \Escrow\Api($config['username'], $config['password'], 'https://stgsecureapi.escrow.com/api');
// Example of how to create a new transaction
$transaction = $api->createTransaction(array(
"Title" => "Test General Merchandise Title",
"Description" => "Description",
"TransactionType" => "1",
"Partner" => array(
"PartnerId" => $config['partner_id'],
"Buyer" => array(
"Email" => "buyeremail@example.com",
"Initiator" => "false",
"CompanyChk" => "false",
"AutoAgree" => "false",
"AgreementChecked" => "false"
"Seller" => array(
"Email" => $config['seller_email'],
"Initiator" => "true",
"CompanyChk" => "false",
"AutoAgree" => "false",
"AgreementChecked" => "false"
"LineItems" => array(array(
"ItemName" => "Line Item 1",
"Description" => "Line Item 1 Description",
"Quantity" => "1",
"Price" => "2500",
"Accept" => "true",
"SellComm" => "100",
"BuyComm" => "50"
"EscrowPayment" => "0",
"ShipmentFee" => "25",
"ShipmentPayment" => "0",
"InspectionLength" => "6",
"Currency" => "USD",
"Fulfillment" => "2",
"CommissionType" => "1",
"InitiationDate" => date('Y-m-d'),
"TransactionLocked" => "true",
"PartnerTransID" => uniqid(),
"TermsLocked" => "true",
"AllowReject" => "true",
"BrkCommissionBuyerPortion" => "0",
"BrkCommissionSellerPortion" => "500",
"BrokerCommissionPayee" => "seller"