This is a simple data generator mocking a GPGGA data source. The datasource is then proccessed to an kafka-server (hiwi-test-kafka-1:29092
Please provide a service that subscribes to the Kafka topic location_topic
and visualize the data on a map. A containerized solution is preferred. You may extend the service to provide additional features like filtering, some additional visualization, etc. You may use any programming language, any framework, or any library.
- The service needs to use the data from the kafka topic
- The service should decode the protobuf data messages
- The service should be able to visualize the data on a map
- The service should be containerized
Question to be answered:
- What object can be expected to move with that trajectory?
- docker
- protobuf (for decoding the data)
Building the project:
docker compose up -d
For a better interaction with docker you can use the VSCode docker extension:
If the docker containers are running, you may find the kafka-UI (kafka-drop) at http://localhost:9000/
- Install protobuf
sudo apt install -y kafkacat protobuf-compiler
- Generating python descriptors
protoc -I="." --python_out=src/gen ./location.proto
- Generating kafkadrop descriptors (Ubuntu)
protoc -o descriptors/location.desc location.proto
- Error while running the kafka broker (i.e.
unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory
-> Solution: as often can provide stackoverflow
(!) Please open an issue if you find any problems.