Terraform script that deploys a full infrastructure in AWS, with deploy pipeline and SMS alerting.
- awscli v2 (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-cliv2.htmlkube)
- kubectl v1.18 (https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/install-kubectl/)
- Terraform cli v0.13 (https://learn.hashicorp.com/tutorials/terraform/install-cli)
- Github account with access token created (https://github.com/settings/tokens), with the following permissions:
- admin:repo_hook
- repo
You will need to create a programatic user with 'AdministratorAccess' policy enabled.
Configure this user in your console:
aws configure
This project is composed by 2 different folders:
- app: Application code
- infrastructure: Terraform code to deploy infrastructure in AWS
Terraform code contains 3 differents modules:
- EKS: EKS, ECR and cluster needed tools
- Network: VPC, Subnets, IGW y NAT.
- Pipeline: CodePipeline and CodeBuild configuration with Github webhook
A tfvars file is needed to create the infrastructure, check TFVars table below. Create a folder called 'vars', for example, inside infrastructure folder.
mkdir ./infrastructure/vars/
Change your console directory to infrastructure:
cd infrastructure
Then we will need to init our Terraform modules with the following command:
terraform init
To deploy the whole infrastructure, you will need to execute the following command:
terraform apply -var-file=./vars/file.tfvars
You can also deploy module by module:
terraform apply -target module.network -var-file=./vars/file.tfvars
Nombre | Versión |
aws | ~> 3.27.0 |
github | ~> 4.4.0 |
template | ~> 3.27.0 |
null | ~> 3.0.0 |
kubernetes | ~> 4.4.0 |
Nombre | Descripción | Tipo |
aws_access_key | AWS access key | 'string' |
aws_secret_key | AWS secret key | 'string' |
location | Region | 'string' |
resource_prefix | Project identifier | 'string' |
project | Project name | 'string' |
environment | Environment name | 'string' |
cidr | VPC CIDR | 'string' |
availability_zones | Availability zones count | 'number' |
instance_type_workers | EKS Node instance type | 'string' |
max_workers | Max nodes number of EKS | 'number' |
min_workers | Min nodes number of EKS | 'number' |
des_workers | Desired nodes number of EKS | 'number' |
github_owner | Github project owner name | 'string' |
github_token | Github authentication generated token | 'string' |
alerting_sms_number | Telephone number with country code to send sms on alert | 'string' |
When Terraform scripts finish, an Application Load Balancer will be deployed in your AWS account. Check DNS name under EC2 -> Load Balancers. 5 minutes are needed more or less to execute the pipeline and create the Load Balancer. Enjoy the automation!