Full code of my website.
- AWS programatic user with this "base_user_policy.json" attached. Use this information to fill pro.tfvars.
- Github account with access token created (https://github.com/settings/tokens), with the following permissions:
- admin:repo_hook
- repo
- Create an S3 bucket and a DynamoDB to use in backend configuration, using "./create_terraform_backend.sh DYNAMODB_NAME BUCKET_NAME AWS_REGION"
- aws configure (Credentials from previous generated user)
- terraform init -backend-config=bucket=$BUCKET_NAME -backend-config=dynamodb_table="DYNAMODB_NAME" -backend-config=key="GITHUB_REPO" -backend-config=region=$AWS_REGION
- cd infrastructure
- terraform plan -target module.build -out=tfplan -var-file=./pro.tfvars -var=aws_region="AWS_REGION" -var=github_token="GITHUB_TOKEN" -var=alerting_sms_number="ALERTING_SMS_NUMBER"
- terraform apply tfplan
- Check console and wait until aws_acm_certificate_validation.cert_validation resource creation procress, get into AWS check DNS verification information and create given CNAME in DNS provider.
- Push code to the repo.
- Create a CNAME record in your DNS provider with your domain_name value and Cloudfront distribution endpoint, check Cloudfront domain name with in AWS console.
Name | Version |
aws | ~> 3.48.0 |
github | ~> 4.12.1 |
Nombre | Descripción | Tipo |
environment | Environment name | 'string' |
domain_name | Domain name | 'string' |
github_owner | Github owner nickname | 'string' |
github_repo | Github repo name | 'string' |
user_policy_arn | ARN policy generated for user | 'string' |