- 👋 - Hi, I’m Pascal, Belgian, I live in France, I am 57 years old, self-taught, passionate about coding and webdesign after my job. - 👀 - After several years of learning with different coding languages for the purpose of designing websites, I came back to WordPress. This CMS brings together the best programming languages and allows natural 'SEO' referencing. Easier to focus on the essential, the website! SEO is essential to be visible and increase the audience of your website, to do this I train on Google Analytics. The latest Beta version (2023 - GA4) allows me to evolve with the Google community. - 🧡 - I really enjoy designing and realizing the visual identity, illustrations, banners, graphical charter, pack ADOBE... - 🌱 - I’m currently learning WORDPRESS and GOOGLE Analytics - 💞️ - I am looking to collaborate with other beginners or more experienced to create a website. - 💻 - My WebSite (https://developdwp.fr/) - 📫 - Join me --> admin@developdwp.fr |
📖 Take a Look !
- Formation complète développeur Front-End
- Formation Complète Développeur Web
- React de A à Z (Hooks, Redux, Contexte inclus)
- Coder 10 projets avec React
- JavaScript : la formation ULTIME
- Python pour les débutants
- Python & Django - Formation Développeur Web
- Django & Python | Maitrisez le développement web
This section lists all the major frameworks / libraries that I am using and learning to bootstrap my projects.
This section presents my draft websites, my target a website all ANGULAR, BOOTSTRAP.