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Ticking System

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Backend Packages
  3. Frontend Packages
  4. Backend Folder Structure
  5. Frontend Folder Structure
  6. Installation Instructions
  7. Usage Guidelines
  8. Working In Progress


The Ticking System is a MERN stack project, which stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.

The project revolves around a Step-By-Step Ticket Approving System. Users at the lowest role level can request a ticket, which progresses through approval stages at each level. If a ticket request is rejected at any stage, the process restarts from the lowest role level user. Once the highest level user approves the ticket, the processing is complete.

Backend Packages

  • bcrypt : Hashing passwords for user authentication.
  • cookie-parser : Parsing cookies for handling user sessions.
  • cors : Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for client-server communication.
  • dotenv : Loading environment variables from a .env file.
  • express : Building the server-side application framework.
  • express-async-handler : Handling asynchronous operations in Express routes.
  • jsonwebtoken : Generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens for user authentication.
  • mongoose : Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js.
  • nodemon : Automatically restarting the Node.js application upon file changes during development.
  • express-validator : Validation for request

Frontend Packages

  • @tanstack/react-table : Creating flexible and extensible tables in React applications.
  • axios : Making HTTP requests from the client-side to the server.
  • dotenv : Loading environment variables from a .env file in the React application.
  • react : JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
  • react-hook-form : Managing form state and validation in React forms.
  • react-router-dom : Declarative routing for React applications.
  • eslint : JavaScript linting utility for identifying and fixing code errors and inconsistencies.
  • postcss : Transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins.
  • tailwindcss : Utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
  • vite : Next-generation frontend tooling for React development.

Backend Folder Structure

The backend of the application is structured as follows:

Entry Point: index.js

The index.js file serves as the entry point for the backend application. It handles service declaration, route declaration, and database initialization.

Soucre (src) Folder Structure

Under the src folder, the following structure is maintained:

  • Config File : Contains configuration files required for the backend services.
  • Controllers : Houses controller files responsible for handling business logic and interacting with models.
  • database : Holds database-related files, including schemas, migrations, and seed data.
  • helpers : Contains helper functions or utilities used across the backend services.
  • middleware : Stores middleware functions responsible for request processing, authentication, validation, etc.
  • models : Contains database models representing entities and data schemas.
  • routes : Houses route files defining API endpoints and their corresponding controller methods.

Installation Instructions

For Backend

  1. Navigate to the backend directory:
 cd backend
  1. Create a copy of the .env.example file and name it .env. Update the .env file with your MongoDB connection URI and a secure JWT token secret:
cp .env.example .env

Update the .env file:

  1. Install the required dependencies:
 npm install
  1. Start the backend server in development mode:
 npm run dev

For Frontend

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory:
 cd frontend
  1. Create a copy of the .env.example file and name it .env. Update the .env file with your MongoDB connection URI and a secure JWT token secret:
cp .env.example .env

Update the .env file:

  1. Install the required dependencies:
 npm install
  1. Start the backend server in development mode:
 npm run dev

Usage Guidelines

To interact with the backend API endpoints, you can use the provided Postman API collection and environment.

Working In Progress

Backend Development

  • Status: All requirements have been implemented and are functional.

Frontend Development

  • Status: Currently, only Authentication and Authorization functionalities have been completed.

I am working on expanding the frontend functionalities to include additional features and enhancements.


Ticking System with ExpressJs






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