- Introduction
- Backend Packages
- Frontend Packages
- Backend Folder Structure
- Frontend Folder Structure
- Installation Instructions
- Usage Guidelines
- Working In Progress
The Ticking System is a MERN stack project, which stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js.
The project revolves around a Step-By-Step Ticket Approving System. Users at the lowest role level can request a ticket, which progresses through approval stages at each level. If a ticket request is rejected at any stage, the process restarts from the lowest role level user. Once the highest level user approves the ticket, the processing is complete.
- bcrypt : Hashing passwords for user authentication.
- cookie-parser : Parsing cookies for handling user sessions.
- cors : Enabling Cross-Origin Resource Sharing for client-server communication.
- dotenv : Loading environment variables from a .env file.
- express : Building the server-side application framework.
- express-async-handler : Handling asynchronous operations in Express routes.
- jsonwebtoken : Generating and verifying JSON Web Tokens for user authentication.
- mongoose : Object Data Modeling (ODM) library for MongoDB and Node.js.
- nodemon : Automatically restarting the Node.js application upon file changes during development.
- express-validator : Validation for request
- @tanstack/react-table : Creating flexible and extensible tables in React applications.
- axios : Making HTTP requests from the client-side to the server.
- dotenv : Loading environment variables from a .env file in the React application.
- react : JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- react-hook-form : Managing form state and validation in React forms.
- react-router-dom : Declarative routing for React applications.
- eslint : JavaScript linting utility for identifying and fixing code errors and inconsistencies.
- postcss : Transforming CSS with JavaScript plugins.
- tailwindcss : Utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom designs.
- vite : Next-generation frontend tooling for React development.
The backend of the application is structured as follows:
The index.js file serves as the entry point for the backend application. It handles service declaration, route declaration, and database initialization.
Under the src folder, the following structure is maintained:
- Config File : Contains configuration files required for the backend services.
- Controllers : Houses controller files responsible for handling business logic and interacting with models.
- database : Holds database-related files, including schemas, migrations, and seed data.
- helpers : Contains helper functions or utilities used across the backend services.
- middleware : Stores middleware functions responsible for request processing, authentication, validation, etc.
- models : Contains database models representing entities and data schemas.
- routes : Houses route files defining API endpoints and their corresponding controller methods.
- Navigate to the
cd backend
- Create a copy of the
file and name it.env
. Update the.env
file with your MongoDB connection URI and a secure JWT token secret:
cp .env.example .env
Update the .env
- Install the required dependencies:
npm install
- Start the backend server in development mode:
npm run dev
- Navigate to the
cd frontend
- Create a copy of the
file and name it.env
. Update the.env
file with your MongoDB connection URI and a secure JWT token secret:
cp .env.example .env
Update the .env
- Install the required dependencies:
npm install
- Start the backend server in development mode:
npm run dev
To interact with the backend API endpoints, you can use the provided Postman API collection and environment.
- Status: All requirements have been implemented and are functional.
- Status: Currently, only Authentication and Authorization functionalities have been completed.
I am working on expanding the frontend functionalities to include additional features and enhancements.