node.js application that fetches energy data and plot them on a color bar chart in the terminal.
It gets the data from Pulse Energy Platform
Usage: node chart.js <space_id>
Output after running the app as follows:
node chart.js 388
This app depends on these node.js modules. Use npm to install them (npm install module_name):
- async - asynchronous control flow (waterfall)
- cli-chart - draw ansi color bar charts in a terminal
- cli-spinner - display spinner when interacting with server
- dateformat - show date in a readable format
- request - simplied http request
Below are the config params to the PEChart class:
// from command line
var space_id = process.argv.splice(2)[0];
// config params
var url = '';
var params = {
// for detail info, see
key: '9C3B13239D75E73FDE883C934FF647A1',
resource: 'Total',
interval: 'Week',
quantity: 'Energy'
var graph = {
interval: params.interval,
// these ones below are optional parameters
normal: { color: 'blue' },
threshold: { percent: 2, color: 'yellow' }, // ie within 2% of max
min: { color: 'green' },
max: { color: 'red' }
var config = {
params: params,
data_url: url + '/1/spaces/'+space_id,
spaces_url: url + '/1/spaces.json?key='+params.key,
graph: graph
var pechart = new PEChart(config);