A web app that helps groups of friends to vote on a preferred choice (using ranked voting), for example: "What movie should we see next Friday?". MailGun is used to send voters links to friends and a link to the admin page for the creator of the poll. jQuery Sortable is used to rank the options (drag and drop). The results of the poll is displayed as a bar chart (Chart.js library used). No web templates used, built with CSS flexbox, responsive design.
- Create the
by using.env.example
as a reference:cp .env.example .env
- Update the .env file with your correct local information
- Install dependencies:
npm i
- Fix to binaries for sass:
npm rebuild node-sass
- Run migrations:
npm run knex migrate:latest
- Check the migrations folder to see what gets created in the DB
- Run the seed:
npm run knex seed:run
- Check the seeds file to see what gets seeded in the DB
- Run the server:
npm run local
- Visit
- Node 5.10.x or above
- NPM 3.8.x or above
- body-parser 1.15.x or above
- chart.js 2.7.x or above
- dotenv 2.0.x or above
- ejs 2.4.x or above
- express 4.13.x or above
- knex 0.11.x or above
- knex-logger 0.1.x or above
- mailgun-js 0.22.x or above
- md5 2.2.x or above
- morgan 1.7.x or above
- pg 6.0.x or above
- uuid 3.3.x or above