Web app with:
Backend managed by the Fastify framework(with its integrated validators);
Auth functionality with fastify-passport;
Cross-Browser Compatible Website through Webpack5 and Gulp4:
- Minfication of HTML, CSS and JS through Gulp packages;
- Elimination of unused CSS and JS;
- Adding vendor prefixes to CSS rules;
- Uglify of JS through Webpack5. -
Helmet module with: - Content-Security-Policy set ( XSS Protection );
- referrerPolicy() added;
- noSniff() added;
- clickjacking protection through the setting of the header: frame-ancestors;
And much more in this repository !
Website (portfolio): devvyou.herokuapp.com
Instagram (Daily posts and some tips for you): @devvyou
Email: devvyou@gmail.com (to get in touch with me)