In order to use stopwords, have to open Python interpreter
import nltk'stopwords')
Before I forget how this works, quick instructions:
Need a distinct list of make / model / year / type from supabase
Update to and from count in .env
If you want to skip reviews, uncomment the thing (mainly for making critical reviews)
review_generation.generate_review will run
This is where ChatGPT lies
Can set different word counts, use random_utils to set different topics
Will need to change prompts for regular reviews vs critical
Can set own topics to have it go off of (more topics the better)
Note some topics have been kinda bad ("Just say it was okay","Just say you liked it","Just say it's a really great product") these will sometimes literally have those as the review
NEED TO update folder names and/or file names for input, output, and reports
After reviews have been generated, will attempt to parse the GPT reviews to put it into a structure for writing to CSV
This parser will try to find Title and Content
- However, there was a time where I was doing (Helpful: and Content:) and parsing it like that. GPT had issues being consistent about it, so might be better assigning it after
After the parser, it should write a CSV
If you have multiple CSV (because you batched it), run the csv_combine (you can run just the script, don't need to do it from main)
- Have to update foldesr/filenames if needed
After that, need to clean it, can run the script itself , don't need to do main
- Have to update foldesr/filenames if needed
After that, can upload it to supabase
- Give it id column (uuid)
Find the scripts for reviews
- Probably have to add review at column to the gpt review table
- randomize that
- if images are in can skip that step in the sql sccript
- insert into reviews table, make sure slugs are updated with the script
If review images aren't already starting with it , have to create another csv with id, type, helpful and the count
Run the fix_image_and_helpful script
Add table to supabase
Update the GPT table with that one
and then update the rest of stuff
And then i dno't know what the heck else there is to do
- Improve the initial review generation to include cover type (will be able to remove a step)
- Probably also want to add in columns for review_image
- Include step for randomizing helpfulness and adding photos in an earlier step (currently it's away)
- Need to re-incorporate critical reviews with the process so don't have to do separate step
- Will probably need some more ternaries and stuff -[x] Make changing folder names / file names easier
- Improve Supabase Script or extract the important parts out (GPT Reviews & Reviews-2)