NikeStore is an enterprise-grade microservice-based web application built using clean architecture, Ocelot API gateway, RabbitMQ, Hangfire, JWT tokens, .NET Identity, MailKit & Entity Framework Core
Designed & implemented 6 microservices responsible for authentication, order & email processing and shopping cart, product & coupon management.
- Integrated stripe payment gateway with OrderAPI to handle customer order payments & refunds.
- Set up RabbitMQ as the messaging broker for asynchronous communication between microservices.
- Implemented ShoppingCartApi to manage customer cart items, coupons & discounts.
- Implemented EmailAPI to process & send emails in the background using Hangfire, MailKit & RabbitMQ.
- Implemented AuthAPI to hand user registration, login & token generation using JWT tokens & .NET Identity.
- Implemented Ocelot API gateway to provide a unified entry point.
- Configured middleware pipeline for functionalities like authentication, logging & global exceptional handling & CORS.
- Synchronised all the coupon codes & discount amounts with the stripe payment gateway & the database.
- Utilized EF Core for object-relational mapping & efficient database access.
Run in OrderApi & CouponApi
dotnet user-secrets init
dotnet user-secrets set "Stripe:SecretKey" "stripe secret key here"
AppFlowDiagram Here(sign in using -