The model aims to identify the correct antecedent of a specified pronoun in a sentence/schema.
The city councilmen refused the demonstrators a permit because they feared violence.
Here, the correct andecedent of the pronoun they would be "city councilmen"
WSC-285 contains 285 schemas
WinoGender contains 120 schemas. ( WinoGender is usually used for testing if a model is biased toward gender i.e if the model tends to associate certain professions with certain pronouns. But since our model does not consider pronoun in the feature vector formation, WinoGender is used in training here )
An SVM based approach was used to indentify the correct antecedent.
In every sentence stopwords and punctuation is removed
The words are POS-tagged
In all the words aside from the candidate antecendents, 2 keywords are identified
Find similarity for every candidate-antecedent pair using cosine similarity of the word vectors
The above 4 features is the feature vector for the sentence
Nouns and verbs hold great meaning in a sentence. A noun and verb is identified as the 2 keywords and if a noun or verb is not present, an adjective is chosen as a keyword.
Pre-trained Word2Vec word vectors were used for the keywords and antecedents.
Two models, one trained on WSC-285 and the other on WinoGender -
GloVe word vectors were used for the keywords and antecedents.
Two models, one trained on WSC-285 and the other on WinoGender -
ConceptNet relatedness value was used to find the similarity between keyword-antecedent pairs
Two models, both trained on WinoGender dataset :
1. Keywords identified using gensim keywords package Method-12. Keywords identified using method previously explained ie Method 2
ConceptNet models
Method 1: 54.16 %
Method 2: 65.21 %
Word2Vec Models
WSC-285: 48.0%
WinoGender: 60.85%
GloVe Models
WSC-285: 56.86 %
WinoGender: 54.16 %