OFFICE-DASHBOARD is a WEB Dashboard that allows visualization of Key Metrics (KPIs) of real state utilization (Enterprise Workspaces, Retail Stores and others) leveraging Cisco infrastructure as a Sensor. The use of these metrics can help organizations to prioritize/justify investments in real state based on utilization metrics of its spaces, it also can help better understand employee/customer behaviors and help answer a important but tough question, How is my Office/Branch being used?
Example of some metrics:
- What is the busiest time of the day?
- Where are employees concentrating inside the office?
- What is the utilization of my meeting rooms?
- How many employees come in/out every day?
- What are employees mood inside the office?
- What is the Gender/Age profile of the office users?
Written in python it leverages Flask Framework to handle the induvidual data collection modules and the expose urls for data posting from specific cloud services. Each module has the capability of runninng as a standalone script for testing/troubleshooting scenarios.
If you want more details about Office Dashboard check this post with detailed explanation.
This module is responsible for data collection and data translation of Meraki Cloud service. It uses Meraki SDK to simplify coding and error handling and has 5 major functions:
- find_meraki_dashboard_info - Responsible for Collecting DASHBOARD information.
- find_meraki_client_info - Responsible for Collecting User/Client information from Dashboard.
- find_meraki_camera_info - Responsible for Collecting MV Cameras information from Dashboard.
- analyze_camera_alert - This function will be triggered by an alert when you are running the full APP using FLASK, and it will be responsible for getting the screenshot of the MV Alerts and send it to AWS Rekognition API for analysis.
- save_meraki_location - This function will be triggered when you are running the full APP using FLASK, and it will be responsible for receiving Location data posted by the dashboard and manipulate the format so it can be flatten.
For this module to work, you will need:
- A Meraki API Key
- A Meraki Org ID. If you don't know what is your org id run the script as standalone and it will find it for you.
- An AWS Account, with a valid Key id, Access key and region.
- Have your Meraki Dashboard configured to send MV Alerts and Location data.
If you want more details on the Office Dashboard - Meraki Module or need detailed instructions on how to get all you need for this module to work, check this post with a step-by-step explanation.
Here is how to run the module as standalone.
(venv)$ python3 modules/
Note: Make sure you look at Installing Section of this file to have the proper credentials in place.
This module is responsible for data collection and data translation of Webex xAPI service available on Webex Room Devices. In this project we decided to use WEBEX Cloud xAPI as a broker to talk to the devices, to simplify inventory, authentication and communication to the device.
Within the module there are 2 major functions:
- get_webex_device_details - Responsible for Collecting information from devices via WEBEX Cloud.
- get_webex_token - Responsible for generating a new token to access Webex Cloud API.
For this module to work, you will need:
- A WEBEX Integration APP credentials
If you want more details on the Office Dashboard - WEBEX Module or need detailed instructions on how to get all you need for this module to work, check this post with a step-by-step explanation.
Here is how to run the module as standalone.
(venv)$ python3 modules/
Note: Make sure you look at Installing Section of this file to have the proper credentials.
This module is responsible for data collection and data translation of DNA Spaces location information and alerts.
Within the module there are 2 major functions:
- get_dnaspaces_clients - Responsible for Collecting Client Location information.
- get_dnaspaces_elements - Responsible for Collecting Map Elements like Buildings, Floors and Zones.
For this module to work, you will need:
- A DNA Spaces API Token
If you want more details on the Office Dashboard - DNA Spaces Module or need detailed instructions on how to get all you need for this module to work, check this post with a step-by-step explanation.
Here is how to run the module as standalone.
(venv)$ python3 modules/
Note: Make sure you look at Installing Section of this file to have the proper credentials.
This module is responsible for making data persitency. It will allow you to save data in two formats:
- Log files into logs directory
- InfluxDB database (You will need to install InfluxDB, check Installing TIG Stack Instructions)
To configure how you want data to be saved, edit credentials file (check Installing section) and change save_file variable.
- True for log files
- False for InfluxDB
If you want more details on the Office Dashboard - Data Retention Module or need detailed instructions on how to get all you need for this module to work, check this post with a step-by-step explanation.
Note: Make sure you look at Installing Section of this file to have the proper settings on credentials file.
- MAC, Linux (not supported on Windows)
- python 3.x
- pip package manager (
Note: Check this post to setup a Linux VM as your development environment.
If already installed, make sure that pip / setuptools are upto date (commands may vary)
pip install --upgrade pip
Ubuntu: sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools
- virtualenv (recommended)
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv
Fedora: sudo dnf install python-virtualenv
MAC: sudo pip install virtualenv
Step 1: Clone code repository
git clone
Setp 2: Setup Virtual Environment
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Step 3: Install requirements
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
Step 4: Copy to so all APP/Module parameters can be configured.
Step 5: Edit file and add your credentials
Note: I personally like to use a more robust file editor called nano
(venv)$ python3 modules/
approximated expected output:
(venv) Linux:OFFICE-DASHBOARD$ python3 modules/
1: Raw JSON
2: Primed JSON
Enter a number: 1
##### DASHBOARD - networks
##### DASHBOARD - devices
##### DASHBOARD - devices_status
##### DASHBOARD - ssids
##### DASHBOARD - floor_plan
##### CLIENT - wifi_clients
##### CLIENT - ble_clients
##### CLIENT - air_marshal
##### CAMERA - camera_people
##### CAMERA - camera_entrance
(venv)$ python3 modules/
approximated expected output:
"connectionStatus": "connected",
"Network[1].IPv4.Address": "",
"Audio.Volume": 50,
"SystemUnit.State.NumberOfActiveCalls": 0,
"SystemUnit.State.NumberOfInProgressCalls": 0,
"Cameras.Camera[1].LightingConditions": "Good",
"RoomAnalytics.AmbientNoise.Level.A": 73,
"RoomAnalytics.PeopleCount.Current": 0,
"RoomAnalytics.PeoplePresence": "No",
"RoomAnalytics.Sound.Level.A": 75,
"Standby.State": "Halfwake",
"SystemUnit.Hardware.Monitoring.Temperature.Status": "Normal"
(venv)$ python3 modules/
approximated expected output:
(venv) Linux:OFFICE-DASHBOARD$ python3 modules/
## List of Clients
## Summary of Device Types
## Device Counts
## List of MAP Elements
## List of MAP Images
Name : XXX
Hierarchy : ['XXXXX']
Image Name : XXXXX.png
Name : XXX
Hierarchy : ['XXXXX']
Image Name : XXXXX.png
(venv)$ python3
approximated expected output:
(venv) Linux:OFFICE-DASHBOARD$ python3
* Serving Flask app "new-app" (lazy loading)
* Environment: production
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment.
Use a production WSGI server instead.
* Debug mode: on
* Running on (Press CTRL+C to quit)
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.353255
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.448125
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.771385
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.833743
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.005631
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.187581
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.419774
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.436321
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.389558
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.468247
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.355923
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.440555
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.455844
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.456249
Meraki Dashboard Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:22.925205
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.331045
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.343255
Meraki Dashboard Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:23.679898
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.045148
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.287283
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.454222
Webex Devices Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:00.498706
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.333942
Meraki Clients Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:01.372424
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.014548
Meraki Cameras Info Collected and Saved! - 0:00:02.369535
Note: You will need influxDB and Grafana installed and running on the same host was your code is runninng. Check the posts below:
- Visual Studio Code - Python IDE
- Diego Soares - Initial work
See also the list of [contributors] who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the GPLv2 License - see the LICENSE file for details
- BIG THANK YOU to all my CISCO customers that challenged me with use cases.