The purpose of this project is to distribute vaccines from a set of storage centers to a set of application centres minimizing the number of vehicles used without exceeding the vaccines conservation time.
The main concepts used for the development of this project are the Travelling Salesman Problem, Vehicle Routing Problem and the Multi-Depot Vehicle Routing Problem.
This project was developed by Diogo Luís Henriques Costa (, Francisco José Barbosa Marques Colino ( and Rui Filipe Teixeira Alves ( for CAL 2020-21.
The project final report can be found at report/2nd/CAL_relatorio_2MIEIC08_G2_entrega2.pdf and the source code at source.
Compiling the source code is straight forward using the CLion IDE starting by reloading the CMake Project.
GraphViewerCpp at source/lib/GraphViewerCpp
Further details on the screenshots can be found at the "Funcionalidades e cenários implementados" section of the report.