How many times have I heard "How can I backup my IBM i / AS/400 to the cloud?". Today we have IBM Cloud Power Virtual Servers (Power VS) where you can create your LPAR with IBM i/AIX/Linux on Power , and the solution "by the book" is to use IBM Cloud Object Storage (ICOS) + BRMS + ICC . Unfortunately "IBM Cloud Storage Solutions for i" (5733-ICC) does not support Azure Cloud yet.
On previous projects I published scripts to backup IBM i to "IBM Cloud Object Storage", "WASABI" and "OneDrive".
This IBM i PASE-BASH script uses NodeJS and "azure-storage-cmd" tool I've also included dialog commmand (cdialog). You need to compile cdialog in order to use the script. Dialog brings a Linux-like look&feel to PASE.
- Creates a *SAVF for each library and SAVSECDTA when selecting "Save All Libraries"
- Compress *SAVF with 7zip
- Generates a CSV with *SAVF content for future references
- Allow to select the amount of simultaenous processes
- Uploads backup or individual files to your Azure BLOB container
- You need to install YUM on your systems, I recommmend using Access Client Solution, and then install this tools:
nodejs12 npm readline git p7zip
- Set your PATH:
PATH=$PATH:/QOpenSys/pkgs/bin:/QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/nodejs/bin export PATH
- Create a symbolic link for nodejs12
ln -s /QOpenSys/pkgs/lib/nodejs12/bin/node /usr/bin/node
- Your system needs to reach the Internet.
- Setup SSH on your System (5733-SC1)
- You need a container in Azure Storage (Blobl). Try creating a free account
- You need to download the tool azure-storage-cmd
npm install -g azure-storage-cmd
...and configure properly:
blob-cmd add-account [alias]
You need to download the .sh to some directory on your IFS, something like "/IBMiCloudBackup/" , change permissions with chmod +x *.sh
Now you just need to adjust values in to reflect your configuration and run
When saving all libraries to Azure you can monitor backup using tail pointing to your log (from other SSH session):
tail -f /backup2cloud/BAK20220206-095201.log
Please, submit your comments and questions to
I have found some issues with blob-cmd tool. Probably will switch to cURL on next release