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Laravel RabbitMQ helper

Pub/Sub with RabbitMQ in Laravel.


composer require dkhorev/laravel-ampq

Publish configs

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-ampq --force


setup your listeners in laravel-ampq.cfg

'callbacks' => [
    'example_stack' => [
        'exchange' => [
            'topic' => ExampleListenerCallback::class,

this will listen for message on "exchange:topic" and pass any messages to ExampleListenerCallback->__invoke() method

every listener should implement AmpqListenCallbackContract (__invoke() method)

use dkhorev\LaravelAmpq\Contracts\AmpqListenCallbackContract;
use PhpAmqpLib\Message\AMQPMessage;

class MyTopicCallback implements AmpqListenCallbackContract
    public function __invoke(AMQPMessage $msg): void
        // TODO: Implement __invoke() method.

it is recommended to only do basic validation of messages in a callback, and queue any heavy processing jobs (to redis or whatever)

Listen command

php artisan ampq:listen {connection} {listenStack}

connection - connection name from config's servers array

listenStack - stack of listening channels from config's callbacks array`

Sending messages

To send a message with this package, you can use any connection from laravel-ampq.cfg

Using "local" connection (example)

use dkhorev\LaravelAmpq\Clients\AmpqClient;
use dkhorev\LaravelAmpq\Contracts\SendToTopicServiceContract;

$config = config('laravel-ampq.servers.local');

$client =  new AmpqClient($config['host'], $config['user'], $config['password'], (int)$config['port']);
$sender = resolve(SendToTopicServiceContract::class);
$sender->postTo($client, 'some-exchange', 'some-topic', ['exapmple-data' => 'hello world!']);

Creating custom client connections

add custom server to config

'servers' => [
    'custom' => [

extend AmpqClient from this package and create an interface, i.e. AmpqClientCustomInterface

use dkhorev\LaravelAmpq\Clients\AmpqClient;

class AmpqClientCustom extends AmpqClient implements AmpqClientCustomInterface

in your app's AppServiceProvider bind new interface AmpqClientCustomInterface to resolve with custom server

    static function () {
        $config = config('laravel-ampq.servers.custom');

        return new AmpqClientCustom($config['host'], $config['user'], $config['password'], $config['port']);

Sending messages

use dkhorev\LaravelAmpq\Contracts\SendToTopicServiceContract;

$sender = resolve(SendToTopicServiceContract::class);
$client = resolve(AmpqClientCustomInterface::class);

$sender->postTo($client, 'some-exchange', 'some-topic', ['exapmple-data' => 'hello world!']);