Inspired on the Ook esoteric language, and with the idea from Francisco Grisen, we proudly present this turing-machine esoteric language, ready for As Oyving's pook code was too big for me, I've rewritten it and left it on a 75-line interpreter for Fapcode (wich has a few diferences from Ook)
The language specification is as follows, basically:
Move the memory pointer to the next cell --> FapUp Move the memory pointer to the prev cell --> FapDown Increment the current memory pointer value --> FapFapFap Decrement the current memory pointer value --> Pr0n Read a character from stdin and put it in the memory pointer --> Slurp Print the ascii character with equal value to the value in the memory pointer --> Cum Execute the next block (until FapEnd) if current pointer is 0 --> Fap? Execute the next block (until FapEnd) if current pointer is not 0 --> Fap!