This is a simple example that uses the apa6 class using the conventions described here:
The student drafts a thesis proposal, whose length should not exceed 20 pages (excluding tables and list of references) using the following conventions: 1.5 line spacing; Times New Roman, 12-point font; 2.5cm margins, numbered pages and single-side printing.
This document will include the following elements:
- statement of problem;
- theoretical or conceptual framework;
- literature review;
- one or more research questions;
- a methodological framework (e.g. a research plan, participants, tools, procedure);
- the contribution of the research to the field of education;
- a relevant and exhaustive list of references.
The order in which these elements are presented may vary.
This template was created in order to submit a thesis proposal to the Faculty of Education at UOttawa in the 2020 academic year.