Update extra-packages #2
on: push
Build and push image
1 error
Build and push image
Error: buildah exited with code 123
Trying to pull quay.io/toolbx-images/alpine-toolbox:edge...
Getting image source signatures
Copying blob sha256:05c327cb1d5f3d9ec297045bdcf685d9a05c720d321731936c2ec04ca648e1f1
Copying blob sha256:dece5e174f9d815f77a563d1b5f89117ee8a06a2a4c7923e9b55ec66a423ee04
Copying blob sha256:dece5e174f9d815f77a563d1b5f89117ee8a06a2a4c7923e9b55ec66a423ee04
Copying blob sha256:05c327cb1d5f3d9ec297045bdcf685d9a05c720d321731936c2ec04ca648e1f1
Copying config sha256:20655f2b7eee7da501e7b44eb2370a70e9952b7a41ee4d98d6eb3093ccf95b82
Writing manifest to image destination
Storing signatures
ERROR: unable to select packages:
posix-libc-utils (no such package):
required by: world[posix-libc-utils]
error building at STEP "RUN apk update && apk upgrade && grep -v '^#' /extra-packages | xargs apk add": error while running runtime: exit status 123
time="2024-04-07T16:25:04Z" level=error msg="exit status 123"