Powerful, logging everything for Node.js
It is based on the winston package and inspired by tslog package.
yarn add @dollarsign/logger
npm install --save @dollarsign/logger
Demo file: src/example/demo.ts
import { Logger } from '@dollarsign/logger';
// disabled default options with environment variables
process.env.NODE_ENV = 'production';
process.env.LOGGER_COLORIZE = 'false';
process.env.LOGGER_DISPLAY_FILE_PATH = 'false';
process.env.LOGGER_DISPLAY_FUNCTION_NAME = 'false';
class MyClass {
private readonly logger = new Logger({
level: 'silly',
name: 'DEMO',
platform: 'node',
colorize: true,
displayDifferentTimestamp: true,
displayFilePath: true,
displayFunctionName: true,
public constructor() {
this.logger.silly('I am a silly log');
public myMethod(): void {
const Lupin = function (): void {
this.error = new Error('Internal error');
this.error.code = 'INTERNAL_ERROR';
this.error.message = [{ failed: 'cars' }];
this.name = 'Lupin';
this.age = 32;
this.cars = {
car1: 'Tesla',
car2: 'BMW',
const data = new Lupin();
this.logger.trace('I am a trace log');
this.logger.debug('I am a debug log');
this.logger.verbose('I am a verbose log');
this.logger.http('I am a http log');
this.logger.success('I am a success log');
this.logger.info('I am an info log with name: %s and age: %d', data.name, data.age);
this.logger.log('I am an log log with cars: %s', data.cars);
this.logger.warn('Found %s at %s', 'error', new Date());
this.logger.error('Error', new Error('Passed as meta'));
const myClass: MyClass = new MyClass();
const logger = new Logger({
name: 'TEST',
// circular
function Foo(): void {
this.abc = 'Hello';
this.circular = this;
const foo = new Foo();
logger.info('Circular', foo);
// fatal logging and exit process with exit code 1
logger.fatal('Fatal error!');
2021-07-21 21:27:56.468 +07:00 [node] ⬛️ SILLY [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:22:17 new MyClass] I am a silly log +0ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.472 +07:00 [node] 🟫 TRACE [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:38:17 MyClass.myMethod] I am a trace log +4ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.473 +07:00 [node] 🟪 DEBUG [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:39:17 MyClass.myMethod] I am a debug log +1ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.473 +07:00 [node] 🟦 VERBOSE [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:40:17 MyClass.myMethod] I am a verbose log +0ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.474 +07:00 [node] 🟫 HTTP [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:41:17 MyClass.myMethod] I am a http log +1ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.474 +07:00 [node] 🟩 SUCCESS [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:42:17 MyClass.myMethod] I am a success log +0ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.475 +07:00 [node] ⬜️ INFO [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:43:17 MyClass.myMethod] I am an info log with name: Lupin and age: 32 +1ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.476 +07:00 [node] ⬜️ INFO [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:44:17 MyClass.myMethod] I am an log log with cars: { car1: 'Tesla', car2: 'BMW' } +1ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.478 +07:00 [node] 🟧 WARN [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:45:17 MyClass.myMethod] Found error at 2021-07-21T14:27:56.478Z +2ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.486 +07:00 [node] 🟥 ERROR [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:46:17 MyClass.myMethod] Error Passed as meta - `[Error: Passed as meta]` +8ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.488 +07:00 [node] 🟥 ERROR [DEMO] [src/example/demo.ts:47:17 MyClass.myMethod] { [Error: [ { failed: 'cars' } ]] code: 'INTERNAL_ERROR' } +2ms
2021-07-21 21:27:56.490 +07:00 [node] ⬜️ INFO [TEST] Circular - `{"abc":"Hello","circular":"[Circular]"}`
2021-07-21 21:27:56.490 +07:00 [node] 🟪 DEBUG [TEST] {"abc":"Hello","circular":"[Circular]"}
2021-07-21 21:27:56.491 +07:00 [node] 🟥 FATAL [TEST] Fatal error!
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Licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.