Releases: donhenton/mountebank-UI
Added Wait Functionality
Tip of the hat to github user osmbsrn for a pull request that added:
- wait behavior for responses
- more informative formatting and display
- https handling
Remove Bower
- A number of libraries are no longer supported on bower, so dependency code has been frozen.
- Using only gulp
- Build is now from src --> public_html, so gh_pages publishing is now a rebase from master
Default Response Body
Its now possible to add a default response for the times when no match occurs
CORs Release
added CORs capablility which will add an OPTIONS response and
necessary headers to each response, without having to add them
Imposter Documentation Display
As the number of imposters grow for a collection its hard to know just what imposter is what. With six POSTS or 8 GETs, its hard to find things. A tooltip will now display on the left hand scroll list, displaying the documentation line for the imposter.
The sorting dialog now displays the full text of the documentation line
typos and documentation updates
Documentation release
added a documentation field for imposters
added decorate functionality
added gulp file
added wire based tests using grunt-mountebank and jquery
Adding Injection
As an alternative, now can use javascript injection for responses and predicates
Latest release
fix for response index reset