A tiny library to get the exact date and time in an ISO 8601 format for any of the five daily prayers at any location and date.
npm install salahtimes
- getFajrDateTimeUtc(date, latitude, longitude, islamicConvention, highLatitudeMethod) ⇒
Gets the date and time for fajr in UTC expressed in an ISO 8601 format for date instance, latitude, longitude value and optional islamic convention and high laltitude method.
- getDhuhrDateTimeUtc(date, longitude) ⇒
Gets the date and time for dhuhr in UTC expressed in an ISO 8601 format for date instance and longitude value.
- getAsrDateTimeUtc(date, latitude, longitude, madhab) ⇒
Gets the date and time for asr in UTC expressed in an ISO 8601 format for date instance, latitude and longitude value and optional madhab value.
- getMaghribDateTimeUtc(date, longitude): string; ⇒
Gets the date and time for maghrib in UTC expressed in an ISO 8601 format for date instance, latitude and longitude value.
- getIshaaDateTimeUtc(date, latitude, longitude, islamicConvention, highLatitudeMethod) ⇒
Gets the date and time for ishaa in UTC expressed in an ISO 8601 format for date instance, latitude, longitude value and optional islamic convention and high laltitude method.
▸ getFajrDateTimeUtc(date
: Date, latitude
: number, longitude
: number, islamicConvention
: SupportedConventions, highLatitudeMethod
: HighLatitudeMethod): string
Defined in src/client/adapter.ts:16
Name | Type | Default |
date |
Date | - |
latitude |
number | - |
longitude |
number | - |
islamicConvention |
SupportedConventions | "MuslimWorldLeague" |
highLatitudeMethod |
HighLatitudeMethod | "AngleBasedMethod" |
Returns: string
Example (Example usage of getFajrDateTimeUtc)
// returns '2021-03-01T04:57:11.422Z'
getFajrDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380);
Example (Example usage of getFajrDateTimeUtc)
// returns '2021-03-01T04:47:21.866Z'
getFajrDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380, 'EgyptianGeneralAuthorityOfSurvey');
Example (Example usage of getFajrDateTimeUtc)
* // returns '2021-03-01T04:47:21.866Z'
* getFajrDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380, 'EgyptianGeneralAuthorityOfSurvey'. 'MiddleOfTheNightMethod');
▸ getDhuhrDateTimeUtc(date
: Date, longitude
: number): string
Defined in src/client/adapter.ts:29
Name | Type |
date |
Date |
longitude |
number |
Returns: string
Example (Example usage of getDhuhrDateTimeUtc)
// returns "2025-01-18T12:10:20.853Z"
getDhuhrDateTimeUtc(new Date(2025, 0, 18), -0.010150);
▸ getAsrDateTimeUtc(date
: Date, latitude
: number, longitude
: number, madhab
: Madhab): string
Defined in src/client/adapter.ts:41
Name | Type | Default |
date |
Date | - |
latitude |
number | - |
longitude |
number | - |
madhab |
Madhab | "Standard" |
Returns: string
Example (Example usage of getAsrDateTimeUtc)
// returns "2021-03-01T15:02:05.884Z"
getAsrDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380);
Example (Example usage of getAsrDateTimeUtc)
// returns "2021-03-01T15:02:05.884Z"
getAsrDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380, 'Shafii');
Example (Example usage of getAsrDateTimeUtc)
// returns "2021-03-01T15:45:41.293Z"
getAsrDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380, 'Hanafi');
▸ getMaghribDateTimeUtc(date
: Date, latitude
: number,longitude
: number): string
Defined in src/client/adapter.ts:54
Name | Type |
date |
Date |
latitude |
number |
longitude |
number |
Returns: string
Example (Example usage of getMaghribDateTimeUtc)
// returns "2025-01-18T12:10:20.853Z"
getMaghribDateTimeUtc(new Date(2025, 0, 18), -0.010150);
Example (Example usage of getMaghribDateTimeUtc)
// returns '2037-08-02T17:59:44.502Z'
getMaghribDateTimeUtc(new Date(2037, 7, 2), 42.637610, 21.092160);
Example (Example usage of getMaghribDateTimeUtc)
// returns 'The sun is up all day on 2037-08-01T23:00:00.000Z at latitude: 71.98007 and longitude: 102.47427'
getMaghribDateTimeUtc(new Date(2037, 7, 2), 71.980070, 102.474270);
Example (Example usage of getMaghribDateTimeUtc)
// returns 'The sun is down all day on 2032-01-01T00:00:00.000Z at latitude: 89.525 and longitude: -30.45'
getMaghribDateTimeUtc(new Date(2032, 0, 1), 89.5250, -30.4500);
Example (Example usage of getMaghribDateTimeUtc)
// returns 'The sun is down all day on 2032-01-01T00:00:00.000Z at latitude: 89.525 and longitude: -30.45'
getMaghribDateTimeUtc(new Date(2032, 0, 1), 89.5250, -30.4500);
▸ getIshaaDateTimeUtc(date
: Date, latitude
: number, longitude
: number, islamicConvention
: SupportedConventions, highLatitudeMethod
: HighLatitudeMethod): string
Defined in src/client/adapter.ts:16
Name | Type | Default |
date |
Date | - |
latitude |
number | - |
longitude |
number | - |
islamicConvention |
SupportedConventions | "MuslimWorldLeague" |
highLatitudeMethod |
HighLatitudeMethod | "AngleBasedMethod" |
Returns: string
Example (Example usage of getIshaaDateTimeUtc)
// returns '2021-03-01T19:22:33.506Z'
getIshaaDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380);
Example (Example usage of getIshaaDateTimeUtc)
// returns '2021-03-01T19:29:04.467Z'
getIshaaDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380, 'UniversityOfIslamicSciencesKarachi');
Example (Example usage of getIshaaDateTimeUtc)
// returns '2021-03-01T19:29:04.467Z'
getIshaaDateTimeUtc(new Date(2021, 2, 1), 51.522079, -0.191380, 'UniversityOfIslamicSciencesKarachi', 'MiddleOfTheNightMethod');
Ƭ SupportedConventions: "MuslimWorldLeague" | "IslamicSocietyOfNorthAmerica" | "EgyptianGeneralAuthorityOfSurvey" | "UmmAlQuraUniversityMekkah" | "UniversityOfIslamicSciencesKarachi" | "InstituteOfGeophysicsUniversityOfTehranOfSurvey" | "ShiaIthnaAshariLevaResearchInstituteQumOfSurvey"
Ƭ HighLatitudeMethod: "AngleBasedMethod" | "MiddleOfTheNightMethod" | "OneSeventhMethod"
Ƭ Madhab: "Standard" | "Shafii" | "Maliki" | "Hanbali" | "Hanafi"