A series of utility scripts for Maxon's Cinema 4D (C4D)
Name | Description |
generate_docs.py | Creates README.md which lists all .py files in this repo. |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Name | Description |
Make Environment Map | Renders an environment map for the selected object. |
Name | Description |
Save Incremental++ ... | Desciption-en-US: Slightly smarter save incremental. Follows file_v001.txt convention. Supports non-numeric suffixes like file_v001_first-last.txt |
Merge Files | A script that merges multiple Cinema 4D files into a new project file. |
Import Textures as Materials | Select a directory and load the textures. |
Print Media in Category | Prints a list of all media assets belonging to a category ID to the console. |
Create RS Material from Textures... | Select a texture file to auto-create a Redshift Standard material. |
sRGB to ACEScg | Description US: Converts sRGB colors to ACEScg colors. |
Name | Description |
ScriptName | Script does these things. |
Name | Description |
Split Keys | Takes the selected keys and splits them into two keys. |
Animate on Spline | Creates an Align To Spline tag with keys at the start/end of animation. |
Camera Morph Keys | Takes first selected CameraMorph tag and automatically add keys based on the |
Linear All Keys | Selects all keys and sets them to Linear interpolation |
Preview Next Ranged Marker | Adjust document's preview range to show next named marker with a length. |
Spline Clamp All Keys | Selects all keys and to Smooth and Clamped. |
Name | Description |
DK-Group Objects By Display Color | Groups all objects in scene by display color. WARNING |
DK-Aim At | Select all objects you want to aim, then select the target before running this command. |
Randomize Object Order | Randomizes the order of all top-level objects in your project. |
DK-Select Objects By Display Color | Selects Objects with a Similar Display Color |
DK-Select Similar Instances | Selects all Instances of the Selected Object(s) |
Name | Description |
Compound Boolean Union | Takes all selected objects, and combines them into a nested boolean hierarchy |
Orient View to Selected Polygon | Moves and targets camera toward selected polygon. |
Polys to Window | Converts the currently selected polygon objects to windows |
Name | Description |
[C4D Sync](C4D Sync/c4d-syc.py) | Reroutes Cinema 4D preferences to a directory in your DropBox. |
[Bake All MoGraph](C4D Sync/bake-all-mograph.py) | Uses standard MoGraph baking commands to bake MoGraph objects. |
Name | Description |
Poly Cruncher | Takes the actively selected object and reduces the polygon count by 90%. |
Name | Description |
Copy Length of Selected Edges | Copies length of the selected edges to your clipboard. |
Name | Description |
Zero PSR | Sets Position/Rotation of active objects to (0, 0, 0) and Scale to (1, 1, 1). |
Zero Position | Sets position of active objects to (0, 0, 0) |
Zero Scale | Despite the name, this sets Scale of active objects to (1, 1, 1). Think of "zero" as "reset". |
Zero Rotation | Sets rotation of active objects to (0, 0, 0) |
Name | Description |
NetRender Paths | NetRender Paths |
Update Render Paths | Update Render Paths |
Bake All Mograph | Bake All MoGraph |