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#MimiJS - Micro MVC JavaScript Framework ##I am going to move mimijs to ES6 version with discontinuing support ES5 version. ##Features - version 1.0
- DI and IoC
- Routes
- Single Page Architecture (SPA)
- Controller, Factory, Resolve
- Mimi Cherry: replacement for jQuery
- Mimi Cloak: HTML template binding
- Working with Mustache, RactiveJS, ReactJS, EJS ...
##Create build for experiment MimiJS is under developing, please create your own build for experiment. The development process requires grunt-cli and istanbul (code coverage), so if you have not installed before, please install them first.
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g istanbul
Update all dependencies
npm install
Create build
grunt travis
##Usages ###Initial
var app = MimiJS();
###Create View provider
Mimi can use various HTML template engine
app.factory("ProductView", function() {
return {
render: function(id, data) {
var output = Mustache.render("<ul> {{#stooges}} <li><a href='#/'>{{name}}</a></li>{{/stooges}}</ul> ", data);
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = output;
Support simple and fast rendering HTML with data binding
app.factory("CloakView", function() {
return {
render: function(id, data) {
var template = '<%for(var index in this.data) {%>' +
'<p><%this.data[index]%></p>' +
$("#".concat(id))[0].innerHTML = MimiCloak.render(template, {data:data});
app.factory("ProductService", function() {
return {
get: function() {
return {
"stooges": [
{ "name": "Moe" },
{ "name": "Larry" },
{ "name": "Curly" }
###Controller Defines scope and handles action when routes change
app.controller("HomeController", function(){
console.log("this is home controller");
.controller("DefaultController", function() {
console.log("this is default controller");
.controller("ProductController", ["ProductService", function(service, products) {
console.log('products object', products);
###Route and Controller
app.routes("home/", "HomeController")
.routes("products/:id/", "ProductController")
.routes(function() {
console.log("default routing")
###Resolve - Dependency Injection Resolve api supports for unit testing as well
it("resolves factory", function() {
app.factory("TestFactory", function() {return {}});
app.resolve(["TestFactory"], function() {
var f = this.TestFactory;
##Note Mimi Cherry will be default loaded if jQuery does not include in application