#Go Generic Artifactory Registry Poller
A Go plugin that polls a Artifactory repository
This is a package material plugin for Go. It is currently capable of polling Artifactory repositories.
The behaviour and capabilities of the plugin are determined to a significant extent by that of the package material extension point in Go. Be sure to read the package material documentation before using this plugin.
This plugin polls artifactory repositories using its REST API. It relies on the convention that version number is part of the file path.
Just drop go-generic-artifactory-poller.jar into plugins/external directory and restart Go. More details here
Artifactory repository URL must be a valid http or https URL. For example, specify the URL as http://artifactory.example.com/artifactory/. The plugin will try to access the URL to report successful connection.
Click check package to make sure the plugin understands what you are looking for. Note that the version constraints are AND-ed if both are specified.
The following information is made available as environment variables for tasks:
The LOCATION variable points to a downloadable url.
To download the package locally on the agent you could use curl (or wget) task like this:
<exec command="cmd" >
<arg>curl -o /path/to/package.zip $GO_PACKAGE_REPONAME_PKGNAME_LOCATION</arg>
When the task executes on the agent, the environment variables get subsituted and the package gets downloaded.