I used those files to configure and enhance vim, bash, ubuntu...
cd ~
git clone git@github.com:duleorlovic/config.git
If you already made a lot of changes to initial .dot files make sure you mv those original files to backup location
cd ~
mkdir config/backup
find ~/config/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -printf "%f\n" | xargs mv -t ~/config/backup/
# alternative
find ~/config/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec basename {} \; | xargs mv -t ~/config/backup/
ls -la config/backup
# ignore errors since initially some file does not exists (we will create those files)
Now create a link for each file in config root folder
find ~/config/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec ln -s {} \;
Add to your .bashrc
cat >> .bashrc <<HERE_DOC
if [ -f ~/config/my_bashrc.sh ]; then
source ~/config/my_bashrc.sh
Also .config
ln -s ~/config/.config/gh/config.yml ~/.config/gh
Read in ~/config/bashrc/mac_scripts/README.md
Install vim and plugins
sudo apt install vim curl git vim-gtk
source ~/config/vim/update_vim_bundle.sh --install
# also links ftplugins
# ln -s /home/orlovic/config/vim/ftplugin/ /home/orlovic/.vim/
Edit config/keys/myapp.sh
# config/keys/myapp.sh
export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=asdasd
so you can use it
cd path/myapp
# edit
# source
keys -s
I am using some xdotool https://github.com/jordansissel/xdotool so you need to manually add some keyboard shortcuts
sudo apt install wmctrl xdotool xsel silversearcher-ag
On new ubuntu we use ydotool ReimuNotMoe/ydotool#36 (comment) https://askubuntu.com/questions/1400834/how-to-snap-minimize-maximize-window-below-cursor#comment2430196_1400835 but ydotool can issue keyboard strokes and mouse clicks, but lacks window management features. A more severe Wayland problem: there is no uniform way to obtain information about the running windows: it is the compositor that implements that, so methods to achieve that are different between, Gnome Shell, Plasma and Sway. –
xbindkeys Add as startup application
Xmodmap works on Wayland inside Konsole terminal Update .screenrc file
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at github.com/duleorlovic/config/issues. Thank you contributors!
The project is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
This project is designed and created at TRK INNOVATIONS LLC by: