This project provides a template for building small-to-medium scale Flask applications with production-ready features. It has been proven to handle millions of requests per day in production environments.
- Build and Run with Docker Compose
# Build and start the containers
$ docker-compose up --build
# Run in detached mode (optional)
$ docker-compose up -d
- Run Database Migrations
# Run migrations inside the container
$ docker-compose exec web flask db upgrade
# Initialize test user
$ docker-compose exec web flask init-db
- Access the Application
- Web Application: http://localhost:5001
- API Documentation: http://localhost:5001/api/v1/swagger
- Useful Docker Commands
# View logs
$ docker-compose logs -f
# Stop the containers
$ docker-compose down
# Stop and remove volumes (clean slate)
$ docker-compose down -v
# Run tests
$ docker-compose exec web pytest
# Run code quality checks
$ docker-compose exec web flake8
$ docker-compose exec web black .
$ docker-compose exec web isort .
- Virtual Environment
It's recommended to use a virtual environment. Modern Python projects often use
(built into Python 3) orpoetry
for dependency management:
# Using venv (recommended for Python 3)
$ python -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
(venv) $ pip install -r requirements.txt
# Alternative: Using Poetry (modern dependency management)
$ poetry install
- Setup The Database Create a new PostgreSQL database:
postgres=# CREATE USER postgres WITH PASSWORD 'postgres';
postgres=# CREATE DATABASE flask_marketplace;
postgres=# GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE flask_marketplace TO postgres;
- Database Migrations We use Alembic for database migrations. While the commands below still work, modern Flask projects often use Flask-Migrate (which wraps Alembic):
# Modern approach using Flask-Migrate
(venv) $ flask db init
(venv) $ flask db migrate
(venv) $ flask db upgrade
# Legacy approach (still works)
(venv) $ python db migrate init
(venv) $ python db migrate migrate
(venv) $ python db migrate upgrade
- Testing For modern Flask testing, we recommend pytest along with the traditional unittest:
# Using pytest (recommended)
(venv) $ pytest
# Legacy approach
(venv) $ python test
- Code Quality Tools Modern Python projects use multiple tools for code quality:
# Flake8 for style checking
(venv) $ flake8
# Black for code formatting (recommended)
(venv) $ black .
# isort for import sorting (recommended)
(venv) $ isort .
# mypy for type checking (recommended)
(venv) $ mypy .
- Running the Server Development server options:
# Modern Flask CLI approach (recommended)
(venv) $ export
(venv) $ export FLASK_ENV=development # FLASK_CONFIG is legacy
(venv) $ flask run
# Legacy approach (still works)
(venv) $ python runserver
# Production WSGI server
# Note: Consider using uvicorn or hypercorn for ASGI support
(venv) $ gunicorn --bind manage:app -w 4 --timeout 180
- API Documentation Modern API documentation options:
- Flask-RESTX (recommended): Swagger/OpenAPI documentation with interactive UI
- Flask-Smorest: Modern OpenAPI documentation with marshmallow integration
- Legacy Flask-Swagger (deprecated): Basic Swagger support
Access the API documentation at: http://localhost:5000/api/v1/swagger
- Authentication Example Create a test user:
(venv) $ flask init-db # Modern CLI approach
# or
(venv) $ python initdb # Legacy approach
Test authentication:
$ curl -X POST "http://localhost:5000/api/v1/user/auth/login" \
-H "accept: application/json" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{"username": "john_doe_1946", "password": "this15secret"}'
Expected response:
"token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1...",
"username": "john_doe_1946"
- Dependencies: Consider using Poetry for dependency management
- Type Hints: Add Python type hints throughout the codebase
- API Framework: Consider migrating to Flask-RESTX or Flask-Smorest
- Authentication: Consider using Flask-JWT-Extended for JWT handling
- Testing: Add pytest with pytest-flask
- Documentation: Use modern OpenAPI 3.0 specifications
- Async Support: Consider adding ASGI support with Quart or async Flask
For questions or professional inquiries: Linkedin