A detailed, encapsulated way of tracking and storing browser screen size and comparing that with a series of boundaries (called buckets) so you can easily and precisely change functionality and presentation based on screen size.
You can implement this in a couple of different ways with the same data types:
-- show mobile menu if screen width is small enough
[ ( if Screen.isIn [ handset, portable1 ] model.screen then
Html.div [] [ Html.text "menu" ]
Note: this package relies on the dzuk-mutant fork of elm-css.
css [ Screen.withMedia [ handset, portable1, portable2 ]
[ height (px 32)
, overflow hidden
, Screen.withMedia [ portable3, wide ]
[ width (px 192)
, padding4 (px 64) (px 32) (px 32) (px 48)
In addition to making your own buckets, this package comes with a series of pre-built buckets. Each of the buckets have been thoroughly researched and designed around different categories of displays that keep recurring throughout different classes of devices.
This package is licensed BSD-3-Clause.