An editor tool to dynamically create textures in edit and runtime modes for cool results - after getting aquainted
Still works with latest Unity3d build as of 09/2019 and build back through 2017.
matGate is fully functioning however additional features and optimizations are on the roadmap.
- Take any source texture or image, and make it a uniqe texture after playing around a bit :)
- Allows for saving textures directly to Asset folder.
- Output texture saved and applied to material
- Add to Shader properties for awesome results
- Pixellation, Large or Small Randomization options
- Create animations with your textures (Thanks to
Backup your scene and project prior to use. Backup your textures or use test textures until you know how it works!!!
If you drag a texure onto the destination texture input on the controller - it will be overridden.
- Backup your textures or use test textures until you know how it works
- Always use duplicates of textures just in case - not originals.
- The source should never be overriden, but until it's clear, use backup textures
Place the Editor script in your Editor folder under Assets. Create one if it doens't exist
Create a mesh with a renderer, and place the controller script onto it
Under the controller script, drage your source texture into the source tex
Duplicate your source texture in your assets folder (CTRL+D, or Command+D)
Drag the duplicated texture onto the dest tex input on the controller
Create a new material, and put it onto the mesh
Drag the duplicated texture from your assets folder, onto the mesh in scene view
Now you can begin experimenting with the settings:
In edit mode, you can change the values and hit 'Update' to see the changes
You can also use the Randomization buttons
In game mode, it is all updated in realtime - However the randomization buttons will not function
Add to the bump map to add an additional UV layer to animate and bump - As well as experiment with adding to the material
- On the textures used, you will need to make it readable.
- Click on the texture within your assets folder, and check 'Read/Write Enabled'
- You may also need to use the Advanced section and override the settings to use RGBA 32 Bit