An out-of-the-box multi-module Web development scaffold deeply customized based on Spring Boot
easyboot-cli是一个基于SpringBoot深度定制的多模块开发脚手架,抽取了日常开发常用的目录结构、各种配置以及mvn依赖,使用脚手架模板可以节省大量在创建工程时耗费的时间,并且由于统一化的定制结构,对于管理项目保持代码风格一致,这是一个非常有效地手段。 总体上,脚手架具有如下特性:
- 基于自定义注解
自动封装Restful API响应体,无需在再代码中手动封装返回响应对象 - 整合常见日志框架(logback、log4j、log4j2),并提供全量路追踪请求id和事物id日志
- API接口签名验证保护接口不再“裸奔”
easyboot-cli is a multi-module scaffolding project based on SpringBoot, which extracts the directory structure commonly used in daily development, Various configurations and mvn dependencies, the use of scaffolding templates can save a lot of time spent on new projects, thus focusing on business design and implementation, and due to the unified customized structure, This is a very effective method for managing project code style consistency. Below are some features of the scaffolding:
- Automatically encapsulate the Restful API response body based on the custom annotation
, no need to manually encapsulate the returned response object in the code - Integrate Logback to provide full track tracking request id and transaction id logs
- API interface signature verification protection interface is no longer "streaking"
├── easyboot-common
├── bean 对外交互的bean
├── constant 系统所使用的的任何常量
├── enums 枚举类
├── request 请求参数封装类
├── response 响应参数封装类
└── util 常用工具类
├── easyboot-core
├── dao DAO
├── mapper mapper接口
└── model 领域模型实体
├── service 系统核心服务
└── exception 自定义业务异常
├── easyboot-web
├── aspect 各种基于AOP机制的配置、工具
├── config 系统的各种配置
├── controller web服务控制层
├── handler 全局异常处理、拦截器等handler
├── schedule 系统定时任务
└── log 系统请求日志记录管理
- 安装JDK 8或者更高的版本,程序中用到了java 8中的函数式编程的一些东西
- 安装MySQL,SQL文件在项目的根目录下,可以直接导入MySQL服务器执行
- 安装Maven(3.6版本以上),安装Redis
- 修改配置文件。application-dev.yml和application-pro.yml中的数据库配置需要变成自己的配置。前者是开发环境,后者是生产环境下的配置,想要那个环境起作用就在application的spring.profiles.active指定(dev或pro)
从这里拉取代码到你本地,使用IntelliJ IDEA
- SpringBoot 2.4.12 - Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based Applications.
分支 | 作用 |
master | 主分支,release版本使用的分支,与中央库提交的一致,不接收任何pr或修改 |
dev-{date}-{feat} | 自定义开发分支,接受修改或pr,分支命名规范:{feat} 为提交修改的主要特性; date 为修改日期,比如 dev-20211107-sign 表示在2021年9月12日提交了一个验签相关的功能 |
The source code of easyboot-cli is divided into two types of branches, with the following functions:
branch | function |
master | The main branch, the branch used by the release version, is consistent with the submission of the central library, and does not receive any pr or modification |
dev-{date}-{feat} | Custom development branch, accept modification or pr, branch naming convention: {feat} is the main feature of committing the modification; date is the modification date, for example, dev-20211107-sign means submitting on September 12, 2021 A verification related function |
- frank.huang QQ: 2489868503 Email:
该项目遵循 Apache 2.0 license.
This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License - see the file for details