Eclipse GlassFish is an application server, implementing Jakarta EE. This release is corresponding with the Jakarta EE 10 specification, which is a major new feature release. Jakarta EE 10 requires JDK 11 as a minimum, but also works on JDK 17 and JDK 21.
GlassFish 7.0.20 is a final release, containing final Jakarta EE 10 APIs. It compiles and runs on JDK 11 to JDK 23. MicroProfile support requires JDK 17 or higher.
Release overview
While working on GlassFish 7.1.0 and GlassFish 8, we didn't leave the stable 7.0.x series in the dark. In this release we updated a lot of our dependencies to their latest versions and did a large amount of testing to ensure everything worked as required. We also improved stability again by squashing a number of outstanding bugs.
- Fix #25214 Services are not initialized in a concurrent way at GlassFish startup by @tnagao7 in #25215
- Fix #25216 Redirection does not work after session timeout in Admin Console by @tnagao7 in #25217
- Fix #25220 The number of Logging pump threads grows infinitely by @kaido207 in #25221
- Fix target argument in create-jms-resource by @OndroMih in #25223
- Fix and cleanup around IMQ startup and shutdown by @dmatej in #25227
- Fix RarHandler - non-absolute URL to File conversion by @dmatej in #25226
- Fix processing of usesCallerIdentity and runAs by @dmatej in #25228
- Fix #25258 No message defined on setting invalid pool name of JDBC resource by @dmiya3 in #25259
- Update domain.xml file management + CI for windows by @dmatej in #25205
- Update various maven plugins and associated test dependencies by @arjantijms in #25231
- Update build / test plugins, and ignore EE 11 versions by @arjantijms in #25241
- Update build tools by @arjantijms in #25253
- Add some more exclusions for EE 11 dependencies by @arjantijms in #25246
- Fixed checkstyle in naming tests by @dmatej in #25229
- EntityManagerFactoryWrapper quick cleanup by @dmatej in #25252
- Integrate Jakarta Tags API 3.0.2 by @arjantijms in #25249
- Integrate Jakarta XML Web Services API 4.0.2 by @arjantijms in #25250
- Integrate Jakarta Concurrency API 3.0.4 by @arjantijms in #25248
- Integrate OpenMQ 6.5.0 by @arjantijms in #25251
- Integrate Jersey 3.1.9 by @arjantijms in #25242
- Integrate Mojarra 4.0.9 by @arjantijms in #25244
- Integrate Weld 5.1.3 by @arjantijms in #25245
- Integrate Helidon Config 3.2.11 and update API to 3.1 by @arjantijms in #25247
- Integrate jsch 0.2.21 by @arjantijms in #25232
- Integrate Felix Webconsole 5.0.8 by @arjantijms in #25234
- Integrate Nimbus-JOSE-JWT 9.47 by @arjantijms in #25239
- Integrate XMLsec 4.0.3 by @arjantijms in #25235
- Integrate woodstox 7.1.0 by @arjantijms in #25237
- Integrate Jackson 2.18.1 by @arjantijms in #25224
- Integrate JNA 5.15.0 by @arjantijms in #25238
- Integrate Commons lang3 3.17.0 by @arjantijms in #25233
- Integrate Commons Codec 1.17.1 by @arjantijms in #25240
- Integrate Commons IO 2.18.0 by @arjantijms in #25230
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 7.0.19...7.0.20