An operating system utility library. Some methods are wrappers of node libraries and others are calculations made by the module.
This is a fork of a fork. The original author Oscar Mejia Web site Original repository: Git
In the second fork Arthur Cnops cleaned up the error handling and updated the library to use Promises.
This fork
- updates the Readme
- update lint using
npm init @eslint/config
- fixes the testers to use the promises,
- provides an option to round all values to two decimal places and
- provides a comprehensive get data method that provides all the essentials in one function call.
One line installation with npm.
# Original
npm install os-utils
# this fork
npm install "git+"
Then in your code
const os = require('../lib/osutils')
async function main() {
const summary = await os.getSummary()
console.log('OS Utils Summary')
console.log(`Platform: ${summary.platform}`)
console.log(`CPUs: ${summary.cpuCount}`)
console.log(`System Uptime (s): ${summary.sysUptime}`)
console.log(`Process Uptime (s): ${summary.processUptime}`)
console.log(`Free Memory (Kb): ${summary.freemem}`)
console.log(`Total Memory (Kb): ${summary.totalmem}`)
console.log(`Free Memory (%): ${summary.freememPercentage}`)
console.log(`Load Usage (%): ${summary.loadavg}`)
console.log(`Load Usage (%): ${summary.loadavg}`)
console.log(`Load Usage 1 min (%): ${summary.loadavg1}`)
console.log(`Load Usage 5 mins (%): ${summary.loadavg5}`)
console.log(`Load Usage 15 mins (%): ${summary.loadavg15}`)
console.log(`CPU Usage (%): ${summary.cpuUsage}`)
console.log(`CPU Free (%): ${summary.cpuFree}`)
Produces output similar to this
OS Utils Summary
Platform: darwin
CPUs: 8
System Uptime (s): 2138421
Process Uptime (s): 0.019882667
Free Memory (Kb): 399.39
Total Memory (Kb): 16384
Free Memory (%): 0.02
Load Usage (%): 4.17
Load Usage 1 min (%): 3.99
Load Usage 5 mins (%): 4.48
Load Usage 15 mins (%): 4.79
CPU Usage (%): 0.43
CPU Free (%): 0.63
The following methods are available:
Set rounding on or off. Default is rounding is enabled.
os.useRound(true | false)
Get a data structure with all the OS Utils information in one package.
const summary = await os.getSummary()
This is not an average of CPU usage like it is in the "os" module. The callback will receive a parameter with the value.
const value = await os.cpuUsage();
This is not based on average CPU usage like it is in the "os" module. The callback will receive a parameter with the value.
const value = await os.cpuFree();