Ansible role to install Jetbrains IDEs on Linux. The role downloads, verifies, and installs the selected IDEs. It also creates desktop launchers.
jetbrains_ide: []
The list of dictionaries describing IDEs and versions to install (see example)
jetbrains_installation_dir: /opt/jetbrains
The root installation directory
jetbrains_remove_other_versions: true
Controls whether previously installed IDE versions are removed after installation
The URL used to retrieve information about IDEs
jetbrains_launcher_dir: /usr/local/share/applications
The directory where IDEs launchers will be created
jetbrains_binary_dir: /usr/local/bin
The directory where links to IDEs executables will be created
jetbrains_user: root
The user who will own IDEs files and directories
jetbrains_link_executable: false
Whether to create a link to the IDE executable under jetbrains_binary_dir
jetbrains_force_reinstall: false
Whether to force re-installation of the IDE even if it appears to be installed (directory exists). This can be useful if you want to be sure all files are in place.
CL: clion
DG: datagrip
DS: dataspell
GO: goland
IIC: intellij-idea-community
IIU: intellij-idea-ultimate
IIE: IntelliJ-idea-educational
PCC: pycharm-community
PCP: pycharm-professional
PCE: pycharm-educational
PS: phpstorm
RD: rider
RM: rubymine
WS: webstorm
The map between IDE codes and names
Install the latest version of Pycharm Community Edition and version 2022.3.1 of PhpStorm:
- hosts: workstations
- role: egdoc.jetbrains
- code: PS
version: '2022.3.1'
- code: PCC
version: latest
Created by Egidio Docile