This repo contains the mechanisms to build an experimental variant of Ghidra as an APK via Melange and an OCI image to consume that APK via Apko.
This process results in a functional version of Ghidra with minimal CVEs.
Build process (x86_64
for now; aarch64
may or may not work reliably):
melange keygen
melange build --arch x86_64 ghidra.yaml --signing-key melange.rsa
apko build ghidra.apko.yaml ghidra:latest ghidra.tar
docker load < ghidra.tar
xhost +local:@docker; docker run --rm -it --net=host -e DISPLAY=host.docker.internal:0 -v /tmp/.X11-unix/:/tmp/.X11-unix/ ghidra:latest-amd64
The image is built with DISPLAY=:0
but may need to be overridden depending on the OS. For macOS, XQuartz is required; xhost +
may also be required.
On macOS, the
Allow connections from network clients
box in the Security menu needs to be checked within the XQuartz Settings as well.
When the image is run, the following console output is expected:
non-network local connections being added to access control list
WARNING: The requested image's platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false
Picked up _JAVA_OPTIONS: -Dsun.java2d.xrender=false
after which the Ghidra UI will be visible. The container uses tail -f /dev/null
to run indefinitely.
CVE scan:
grype c47ada55ad4d
✔ Vulnerability DB [no update available]
✔ Loaded image c47ada55ad4d
✔ Parsed image sha256:c47ada55ad4dcf61299878cc156ea6a2354f0765fa8484c5111ba5a267f66233
✔ Cataloged contents 4ffabb572ac0d38fae31b7f15dda78c3fe2a50d777932e4402b2629b5e9f550e
├── ✔ Packages [303 packages]
├── ✔ File digests [5,915 files]
├── ✔ File metadata [5,915 locations]
└── ✔ Executables [208 executables]
✔ Scanned for vulnerabilities [18 vulnerability matches]
├── by severity: 0 critical, 4 high, 13 medium, 1 low, 0 negligible
└── by status: 16 fixed, 2 not-fixed, 0 ignored
[0006] WARN unexpectedly empty matches for archive '/usr/bin/ghidra/Ghidra/Processors/68000/lib/68000.jar'
[0006] WARN unexpectedly empty matches for archive '/usr/bin/ghidra/Ghidra/Processors/68000/lib/68000.jar'
[0006] WARN unexpectedly empty matches for archive '/usr/bin/ghidra/Ghidra/Processors/8051/lib/8051.jar'
[0006] WARN unexpectedly empty matches for archive '/usr/bin/ghidra/Ghidra/Processors/8051/lib/8051.jar'
[0007] WARN unable to resolve java package identifier from purl="pkg:maven/@11.1.2": name is required
[0007] WARN unable to resolve java package identifier from purl="pkg:maven/@11.1.2": name is required
bcprov-jdk15on 1.69 java-archive GHSA-wjxj-5m7g-mg7q Medium
bcprov-jdk15on 1.69 1.78 java-archive GHSA-v435-xc8x-wvr9 Medium
bcprov-jdk15on 1.69 1.78 java-archive GHSA-m44j-cfrm-g8qc Medium
bcprov-jdk15on 1.69 java-archive GHSA-hr8g-6v94-x4m9 Medium
bcprov-jdk15on 1.69 1.78 java-archive GHSA-8xfc-gm6g-vgpv Medium
commons-compress 1.21 1.26.0 java-archive GHSA-4g9r-vxhx-9pgx High
commons-compress 1.21 1.26.0 java-archive GHSA-4265-ccf5-phj5 Medium
commons-configuration2 2.8.0 2.10.1 java-archive GHSA-xjp4-hw94-mvp5 Medium
commons-configuration2 2.8.0 2.10.1 java-archive GHSA-9w38-p64v-xpmv Medium
commons-net 3.2 3.9.0 java-archive GHSA-cgp8-4m63-fhh5 Medium
guava 31.0.1-jre 32.0.0-android java-archive GHSA-7g45-4rm6-3mm3 Medium
guava 31.0.1-jre 32.0.0-android java-archive GHSA-5mg8-w23w-74h3 Low
netty-handler 4.1.86.Final 4.1.94.Final java-archive GHSA-6mjq-h674-j845 Medium
protobuf-java 3.17.3 3.19.6 java-archive GHSA-g5ww-5jh7-63cx High
protobuf-java 3.17.3 3.19.6 java-archive GHSA-4gg5-vx3j-xwc7 High
protobuf-java 3.17.3 3.19.6 java-archive GHSA-h4h5-3hr4-j3g2 Medium