To assess the impacts of edge creation on forests globally. All data extracted from peer-reviewed studies.
mergedrefined7 is qualitative data on studies (location, scientific design, etc)
vardata is quantitative data from studies (air temperature, relative humidity, etc), expressed in percent change (percent--diff) from most internal forest point observed. vardata2 expresses the same data with factors instead of strings for matrix type, etc and with log1p on proportions
withbroad contains broad climate categories (temperate, tropical, boreal) to add to mergedrefined7
allvariances is quantitative data on all variance types, including standard errors, confidence intervals, and standard deviations reported
These files are manipulated in:
metacode.r for qualtitative data only (how/where/when/by whom were the data collected? which journals? etc.)
moremeta.r for quantitative data only (which measurements were taken?)
meta_qualquan.r mixture of qualitative and quantitative data (did the methods influence measurements?)
Relevant visualizations are included with their data type/s.
A writeup is available at Academic paper forthcoming.