Very early WIP of rejigged e2e error toast code #3999
4 errors, 5 warnings, and 1 notice
Run Playwright tests:
1) [Chrome] › crypto/invisible-crypto.spec.ts:20:9 › Invisible cryptography › Messages fail to decrypt when sender is previously verified
Test timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
Run Playwright tests:
1) [Chrome] › crypto/invisible-crypto.spec.ts:20:9 › Invisible cryptography › Messages fail to decrypt when sender is previously verified
Error: jsHandle.evaluateHandle: Test timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
at ../pages/client.ts:82
80 | public async evaluateHandle<T>(fn: (client: MatrixClient) => T, arg?: any): Promise<JSHandle<T>> {
81 | await this.prepareClient();
> 82 | return this.client.evaluateHandle(fn, arg);
| ^
83 | }
84 |
85 | /**
at Bot.evaluateHandle (/home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/pages/client.ts:82:28)
Run Playwright tests:
1) [Chrome] › crypto/invisible-crypto.spec.ts:20:9 › Invisible cryptography › Messages fail to decrypt when sender is previously verified
Error: Test timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('.mx_RightPanel').getByRole('button', { name: 'Start Verification' })
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" role="button" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_UserInfo_wideButton mx_UserInfo_startVerification mx_AccessibleButton_hasKind mx_AccessibleButton_kind_primary">Start Verification</div>
- attempting click action
2 × waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action
- waiting 20ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is not stable
- retrying click action
- waiting 100ms
- waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
at crypto/utils.ts:376
374 | await roomInfo.getByText("Bob").click();
375 | await roomInfo.getByRole("button", { name: "Verify" }).click();
> 376 | await roomInfo.getByRole("button", { name: "Start Verification" }).click();
| ^
377 |
378 | // this requires creating a DM, so can take a while. Give it a longer timeout.
379 | await roomInfo.getByRole("button", { name: "Verify by emoji" }).click({ timeout: 30000 });
at verify (/home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/e2e/crypto/utils.ts:376:72)
at /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/e2e/crypto/invisible-crypto.spec.ts:45:9
Run Playwright tests:
2) [Chrome] › knock/create-knock-room.spec.ts:61:9 › Create Knock Room › should create a public knock room
Error: Timed out 5000ms waiting for expect(locator).toContainText(expected)
Locator: locator('[role=dialog][aria-label="Search Dialog"]').locator('.mx_SpotlightDialog_section.mx_SpotlightDialog_results .mx_SpotlightDialog_option').first()
Expected string: "Cybersecurity"
Received string: "TTestRoom!GHrURqWdwnVZYsDhTz:localhost2 Members↵Join"
Call log:
- expect.toContainText with timeout 5000ms
- waiting for locator('[role=dialog][aria-label="Search Dialog"]').locator('.mx_SpotlightDialog_section.mx_SpotlightDialog_results .mx_SpotlightDialog_option').first()
7 × locator resolved to <li tabindex="-1" role="option" aria-selected="true" id="mx_SpotlightDialog_button_result_!GHrURqWdwnVZYsDhTz:localhost" aria-labelledby="mx_SpotlightDialog_button_result_!GHrURqWdwnVZYsDhTz:localhost_name" aria-details="mx_SpotlightDialog_button_result_!GHrURqWdwnVZYsDhTz:localhost_details" aria-describedby="mx_SpotlightDialog_button_result_!GHrURqWdwnVZYsDhTz:localhost_alias" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_SpotlightDialog_result_multiline mx_SpotlightDialog_option">…</li>
- unexpected value "TTestRoom!GHrURqWdwnVZYsDhTz:localhost2 Members↵Join"
80 | const spotlightDialog = await app.openSpotlight();
81 | await spotlightDialog.filter(Filter.PublicRooms);
> 82 | await expect(spotlightDialog.results.nth(0)).toContainText("Cybersecurity");
| ^
83 | });
84 | });
85 |
at /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/e2e/knock/create-knock-room.spec.ts:82:54
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › messages/messages.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › messages/messages.spec.ts took 58.1s
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › integration-manager/kick.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › integration-manager/kick.spec.ts took 19.0s
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › knock/knock-into-room.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › knock/knock-into-room.spec.ts took 18.9s
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › editing/editing.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › editing/editing.spec.ts took 16.0s
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › crypto/logout.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › crypto/logout.spec.ts took 15.2s
Run Playwright tests
2 flaky
[Chrome] › crypto/invisible-crypto.spec.ts:20:9 › Invisible cryptography › Messages fail to decrypt when sender is previously verified
[Chrome] › knock/create-knock-room.spec.ts:61:9 › Create Knock Room › should create a public knock room
1 skipped
63 passed (5.1m)