End to End Tests #4464
3 errors, 4 warnings, and 1 notice
Run Playwright tests:
1) [Chrome] › timeline/timeline.spec.ts:140:13 › Timeline › configure room › should create and configure a room on IRC layout @screenshot
Error: expect(locator).toHaveScreenshot(expected)
40 pixels (ratio 0.01 of all image pixels) are different.
Expected: /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/snapshots/timeline/timeline.spec.ts/configured-room-irc-layout-linux.png
Received: /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/test-results/timeline-timeline-Timeline-43bff-figure-a-room-on-IRC-layout-Chrome/configured-room-irc-layout-actual.png
Diff: /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/test-results/timeline-timeline-Timeline-43bff-figure-a-room-on-IRC-layout-Chrome/configured-room-irc-layout-diff.png
Call log:
- expect.toHaveScreenshot(configured-room-irc-layout.png) with timeout 5000ms
- verifying given screenshot expectation
- waiting for locator('.mx_MainSplit')
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_MainSplit">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- 40 pixels (ratio 0.01 of all image pixels) are different.
- waiting 100ms before taking screenshot
- waiting for locator('.mx_MainSplit')
- locator resolved to <div class="mx_MainSplit">…</div>
- taking element screenshot
- disabled all CSS animations
- waiting for fonts to load...
- fonts loaded
- attempting scroll into view action
- waiting for element to be stable
- captured a stable screenshot
- 40 pixels (ratio 0.01 of all image pixels) are different.
154 | await expect(page.locator(".mx_TimelineSeparator")).toHaveText("today");
155 |
> 156 | await expect(page.locator(".mx_MainSplit")).toMatchScreenshot("configured-room-irc-layout.png");
| ^
157 | },
158 | );
159 |
at /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/e2e/timeline/timeline.spec.ts:156:61
Run Playwright tests:
2) [Chrome] › timeline/timeline.spec.ts:277:13 › Timeline › configure room › should add inline start margin to an event line on IRC layout @screenshot
Test timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
Run Playwright tests:
2) [Chrome] › timeline/timeline.spec.ts:277:13 › Timeline › configure room › should add inline start margin to an event line on IRC layout @screenshot
Error: locator.click: Test timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
Call log:
- waiting for locator('.mx_GenericEventListSummary').getByRole('button', { name: 'Expand' })
- locator resolved to <div tabindex="0" role="button" aria-expanded="false" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_GenericEventListSummary_toggle mx_AccessibleButton_hasKind mx_AccessibleButton_kind_link_inline">Expand</div>
- attempting click action
2 × waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Scroll to most recent messages" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_JumpToBottomButton_scrollDown"></div> from <div class="mx_JumpToBottomButton">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action
- waiting 20ms
2 × waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Scroll to most recent messages" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_JumpToBottomButton_scrollDown"></div> from <div class="mx_JumpToBottomButton">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action
- waiting 100ms
53 × waiting for element to be visible, enabled and stable
- element is visible, enabled and stable
- scrolling into view if needed
- done scrolling
- <div tabindex="0" role="button" aria-label="Scroll to most recent messages" class="mx_AccessibleButton mx_JumpToBottomButton_scrollDown"></div> from <div class="mx_JumpToBottomButton">…</div> subtree intercepts pointer events
- retrying click action
- waiting 500ms
293 |
294 | // Click "expand" link button
> 295 | await page.locator(".mx_GenericEventListSummary").getByRole("button", { name: "Expand" }).click();
| ^
296 |
297 | // Check the event line has margin instead of inset property
298 | // cf. _EventTile.pcss
at /home/runner/work/element-web/element-web/playwright/e2e/timeline/timeline.spec.ts:295:107
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › login/login-consent.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › login/login-consent.spec.ts took 1.1m
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › crypto/backups-mas.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › crypto/backups-mas.spec.ts took 34.6s
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › threads/threads.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › threads/threads.spec.ts took 31.3s
Run Playwright tests:
[Chrome] › app-loading/guest-registration.spec.ts#L1
[Chrome] › app-loading/guest-registration.spec.ts took 18.3s
Run Playwright tests
2 flaky
[Chrome] › timeline/timeline.spec.ts:140:13 › Timeline › configure room › should create and configure a room on IRC layout @screenshot
[Chrome] › timeline/timeline.spec.ts:277:13 › Timeline › configure room › should add inline start margin to an event line on IRC layout @screenshot
66 passed (7.4m)