A PHP Class to interface with TAXII feeds
This is a class that allows you to perform simple operations on a TAXII server. It is based on TAXIIExample.py from Soltra Edge.
You can instantiate the class with a URL, and either a username/password pair or a PEM file containing a client certificate. For example,
$taxii = new TAXIIClient('http://your-url-here', 'username', 'password');
$taxii = new TAXIIClient('http://your-url-here', NULL, NULL, '/path/to/clientcert.pem', 'optional pem password');
To send a Discovery Request, call discover() with no arguments. It returns results as an array. For example,
might display (some fields removed for readability)
[0] => Array
[type] => DISCOVERY
[address] => https://some-taxii-server/taxii-data
[1] => Array
[address] => https://some-taxii-server/taxii-data
[2] => Array
[type] => POLL
[address] => https://some-taxii-server/taxii-data
[3] => Array
[type] => INBOX
[address] => https://some-taxii-server/taxii-data
To send a Collection Information Request, call getCollectionInfo() with no arguments. It returns results as an array. For example,
might display (some fields removed for readability)
[0] => Array
[name] => system.Default
[type] => DATA_FEED
[description] => system.Default
[address] => https://some-taxii-server/taxii-data
[1] => Array
[name] => system.Test
[type] => DATA_FEED
[description] => system.Test
[address] => https://some-taxii-server/taxii-data
To send a Poll Request for a collection, call poll() with the name of the collection as shown in the output of getCollectionInfo. It returns an array with sub-arrays of IP addresses and domain names. Other data types and metadata are not currently supported. For example,
might display
[dns] => Array
[0] => foo.com
[1] => bar.com
[2] => baz.com
[ip] => Array
[0] =>
[1] =>
[2] =>
To send an Inbox Message, call sendInboxMessage() with a string containing the message to send. It does not return anything. This method is untested, but really just sticks your message (including possible XML) into the taxii_11:Content tag of a pre-defined XML message.