It converts Keil uVision project file to GCC makefile. It also can convert STMCube project to GCC makefile - you just need to select target platform (in STM Cube) to Keil MDK 4 and then convert keil project to GCC.
This utility goes through Keil project file and creates:
-makefile with list of all source files included into project
-it sets proper C/C++ compiler flags that fit to selected MCU
-it inserts clean command + install command to makefile
-it generates JLink script for installing compiled firmware to MCU (see makefile install command)
-it generates *.ld file
-it generates .s file
-.s file contains some additional instructions to make sure that stack pointer is always set to correct value
(even after calling entry point by boot loader)
It has been tested with these MCU types:
-STM 32F010
-STM 32F103
-STM 32F205
-STM 32F207
-STM 32F429
For these MCUs is generated correct S (startup) file and LD file. For other MCUs can happen that generated S file or LD file is not 100% correct (although I hope it will not happen). In such case try to get original S file or LD file from your MCU manufacter and you can send me the correct file.
This utility is also demostrating how easy is to do such things with PersistantLibrary (see )
Binary files:
1.03 - not available anymore
1.04 - (added -scanlib feature)
1.05 - (support for Keil v5 added)
1.06 - (minor bug fixes)
1.07 - (checks for presence of original gcc startup file by manufacturer - tested with some waveshare dev kits)