The Unlicense (aka: public domain)
- is_valid() method returned object. Method now has $type parameter and will accept 'object' or defaults to 'bool' and will return ReCaptchaResponse or boolean value respectivly.
- Kohana_reCAPTCHA is now in the Public Domain
Kohana_reCAPCTHA is a module that facilitates the use of the reCAPTCHA library as a Kohana module.
- A default recaptcha.php config file is included but you MUST change the public and private key values for the plugin to work.
- Create an instance of the Kohana Recaptcha object by calling Recaptcha::instance().
- You can pass a string to the instance method to switch between different config settings, the default is ... default.
- There are only two methods:
- get_html([$publickey = NULL]) - pass your public key optionally if you want to use a different one from the config file you initialized the Recaptcha object with.
- is_valid($_POST["recaptcha_challenge_field"], $_POST["recaptcha_response_field"][, $privatekey = NULL, $type = 'bool']) - you can override your config private key value here. You must pass the values from the 'recaptcha_challenge_field' and 'recaptcha_response_field' inputs. Will return a boolean value by default. To return the ReCaptchaResponse object set type parameter to 'object'.
- The recaptchalib.php file bundled with the plugin is v1.11
- N.B. Please familiarise yourself with
Watch the current tickets to view the areas of active development.