The "Top 250 French Movies" dataset comprises information on the highest-rated French movies according to user ratings on various platforms. This dataset contains 250 unique French movies that have garnered critical acclaim and popularity among viewers. Each movie is associated with essential details, including its rank, title, release year, duration, genre, IMDb rating, image source link, and a brief description.
Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA): Explore the distribution of movies by genres, release years, and IMDb ratings. Visualize the top-rated French movies and their IMDb ratings using bar charts or histograms.
Year-wise Trends: Observe trends in French movie production over the years using line charts or area plots. Analyze if there's any correlation between release year and IMDb ratings.
Word Cloud Analysis: Create word clouds from movie descriptions to visualize the most common words and themes among the top-rated French movies. This can provide insights into popular topics and genres.
Sentimental Analysis: Get the vibe of the audience by checking the sentiments in the "Desc" column. Find out what emotions the movie descriptions are stirring up and get a feel for the overall mood and intention behind them.