A minimalist earthquake alerter for Turkey.
./earthquakeAlert.sh <magnitude_threshold>
For example
./earthquakeAlert.sh 3.0
will retrieve data from Kandilli Observatory and display a warning window if there's been an earthquake in the last 24 hours whose magnitude is greater than 3.0.
If the user clicks OK, she will be taken to the Kandilli Observatory's relevant web page for more details and maps.
XMLStarlet for processing XML data on the command line.
curl for retrieving earthquake data in XML format from the web.
AWK, a program that you can use to select particular records in a file and perform operations upon them.
All of them can be easily installed on any major GNU/Linux distribution.
Put this program in your crontab, e.g. to run every minute, so that you'll be warned if a recent earthquake whose magnitude is bigger than the threshold you defined happened.
I'm neither a geologist, nor a geophysicist. This program is not intended for accurate, scientific use. Moreover, this program is not an early warning system.